Parents At Seventeen!?
LOL. I thought there was actually going to be some development in the story somewhere, maybe some drama... but what the phauk? There was actually nothing to this story. There was no conflict (yet), there was no solution to anything introduced, the main character's growth is the size of a pebble, nothing from her sister or her brother-in-law, nothing from the 'supposed' ML, and the ending was like lighting on a clear day. I don't really understand what was the point of this story other than to introduce us to characters and some sort of starting plot... Though, tbh, I feel like I wasted like 7 minutes of my life just reading a half-assed 'completed' manga. #-.-)
After School Wedding
Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet
It was so FUCKING beautiful...i loved all of all..the story is just perfect. And the endong was so fucking emotional ,i cried like heck
Live or Not