Renai Nante Yurushimasen!
Ai No Binzoko
"When love knocks at your door, in it's leg you shall shot" and everything will be fine. Lovely though has some bloody shit going on...and perverted (but we like these ones). Really sexy characters and cute personalities, plus dangerous. Don't mess with the little one
Kami-sama No Iutoori (moegi Yuu)
Relationship starts like if they're family but the plot-switch goes spinning and turns to the "gay thing" side. Amazing art and it's all cute-like. Plus, the seme is hot. Hot as fuck. Hot like hell. Must be british. Too hot. God damn, take me in your wings.
Ore wa Senpai no Nan Nan Desu ka?!
At the beggining seems like it will be a sad story about the grumpy-cute-boy being depressed and unhappy w/ the relationship and the sexy-boy all just for sex like the perfect asshole; the gloomy kind of story where you cry from anger. But trust me! Fear not and hang in there, this people are just one blunt and the other innocent. It's really cute and the art is really beautiful and lovely. Wish there was more;-;
Sensei wa Butchozura Shite Yatte Kuru
AHHHHHHH TOO CUTE~~! ARGHGGAJAHAKA *being possessed by the spirit of canttakesomuch-omfg* I WANT MORRRREEEE~~~
Nani Ka Ii No Mitsuketa!
AHHHHHHHH YOU CAN'T START CUTE AND JUMP TO RAPist 3 PAINELS LATER! NOO! PICK A SIDE AND STAY WITH IT~! Damn it. ;-; Regardless, it's a really good manga. Beautiful art as well. Motherfuckergokidnnapsomesense
Boku To Neko To Hatsukoi Kousa
It's beautiful in every way. Like, every. Damn. Way. It's a really cute romance between childhood friends that evolves pretty fast due to them loving each other and there's also the cat. THE CAT IS AMAZING. Love it
Irony Dress ni Sayonara
I just love it. Adorable, beautiful, realistic...GOOD AS VUCK. I wish more;-;
Make Me Bark