Complete | sunbo,soonbo | 2014 released
2018-11-28 23:51 marked
Sticks to the title and has a slow pace, but just the right time for everything. Lonely guy meets gay-so-in-love and starts to change, facing his past and things that hurt in order to love that gay. Moral: kids are stupid and you'll regret it later; love and don't be a bully
Tomarigi (Torch)
Complete | Harada | 2000 released
2018-11-29 03:12 marked
I kind of hate Harada sensei. YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN HE'S GOING TO ATTACK YOU!!! He had the chance to make it another traumatizing story, but no! Surprisingly, it's cute af! I FEAR YOU, YET I LOVE YOU, U BEAUTIFUL MONSTER
Complete | katou setsuko | 2011 released
2018-11-29 22:06 marked
Everything's fine; nice stories but... I wanr justice for the blondy gay
Guang Xiang