Houkago Edge
Ungh. T~T so cute that I'm crying (don't worry, it's a happy story, I'm just dramatic)
All Night Long (muno)
Boy curious about being or not gay goes for advice to someone who they said is gay. Jump the struggle, boy becomes sexbuddies with gay- boy is gay. Really cuteā” EXTREMELY CUTE, I WANNA KILL IT
Zattou Ni Asobu Sakana
Love it more than I (probably) should
Kodoku Na Taka Wa Hitokoishikute
"If your crush heartlessly rejects you, you come back to years later using a fake-lover to approach them and then assault them while they're drunk, so they'll fall in love with you through your blowjob technique. Thus you shall get revenge upon ur heart, bae"- the manga gay agenda He just followed the bible scribes.
I find it amazing all the storyline revolving he's disability. It's great! All lovey-dovey but they're kinda dumb about it, wich makes everything better. Fave
Sayonara, Heron
It's beautiful and sad at the same time, but not exactly (...understand?). It has a liberating kind of happiness to it. They find peace at each other's side and that's it. It is love, but not the blushing-cheeks-fastenig-haearts kind of one. It's such a simple way of love that it's confusing and troubling to see.
Yuki No Shita No Qualia
The tags shall reveal the truth
Sannin Gurashi
1st and 2nd stories are conected- pretty sweet and overwhelming. Adorable to read 3rd story unrelated to the rest- fated lover, obviously. A sweet one-shot that kind of tried to be a "trauma backstory" one A fun read!
Kowagaranai de, Soba ni Ite