Three Days of Happiness
Ah shit shit shit
Life Senjou no Bokura
I FOUND IT AGAIN HOLYSH- I'VE BEEN SEARCHING FOR THIS ONE AND I COULDN'T ASK HERE SINCE THE COMMENTS ARE UNAVAILABLE BUT YES I FOUND IT UGH I LOVE THIS AND I HATE IT I HATE THE SEME FOR DOING THAT TO UKE UGH I SWEAR BISH IM— I DIDN'T KNOW THIS ONE HAS A LIVE ACTION SERIES OH EM (2022-edit; wow I reread it again and— wow. I think I'll full my own bottle if I hadn't keep stopping these tears from falling. I want to curse, I want to shout, I didn't rmmbr the last two chps, I only rmmbr is that the seme left him and came back again after realizing what a mistake was actually leaving him. Its aspects of a two life here in the series that got me breakdown, I didn't realize it before but it was just very in real life plot. Now I don't hate the seme anymore actually I quite felt him. I'm the who starts things and the the one who ends up doubting first, which afraid me most if I'm gonna end up leaving it too after starting it, shit ugh i fucking hate this I just really loved it they got reunited for the third time in the after life and the extra chapter is just wholesome just like how they started.
Uruwashiki Shuen
I dont know what to feel about this... i feel empty.
An Unbelievable Story