so sweet and realistic.. the whole romantic aspect of their relationship is at most heavily implied in the last chapter and maybe once through the manga in a “you blink and you miss it” sense and they only ever kiss in the special chapter after the epilogue. it was the slowest of burns. still, i really liked it for what it was. alsooo i love when this type of manga have a “weird, non-typical shounen ai” art style and truly treats high schooler boys for what they are: dumb. and well, japanese– you can’t expect boys from a closed minded country to just meet and get that whatever they’re feeling is romantic love, so the sequence of the events in this made the most sense to me.. ummm, yeah that’s it. can’t say it was one of my favs but it’s truly a really well done shounen ai. Thank you Sensei. Dattebayo
Here and There and Us