Kiss me, Liar
The same route (Seme: red > green flag) Uke fell inlove woth Seme> Seme and Uke became fbuddy> Uke get preggy and run away> Seme get desperate finding where Uke was> Finds out where Uke hides> Fixing their relationship> Uke critical condition cause of being preggy> their son was born> happy ending
Roses and Champagne
Ch. 86 l dunnot have a comment for this specially with the ending... Romance more like brain wash [3-19-23]: They are both Psycho. They really need a therapies
Yours to Claim
103 Sooo we can see who’s Yeonwoo ending up with
viewfinder (Ez)
I forgot what’s the plot all about but I know in myself that I consider this a underrated for me
How to Snag an Alpha
Here’s the thing... I need their son to have his own story
Wolf In The House
Yeahh So this is an underrated for me
Dear Benjamin 1.5
Ch. 58 Artist drop it, but mwee here is waiting for the artist to pick it up again or hope for other artist to continuing this manhwa PS. Babe it’s a clip hanger so pls pls and pls pick this Manhwa up
Make Me Bark