I’m being raised by villains
Sched Update: Once a Week Ch. 71 MUST READ MANHWA FL, Erin, is actually the young Duke (her dad) unborn daughter (their literally biological family); Is actually a descent of a dragon (shape-shift) but she's currently a lizard ML: The white hair one; I think his role is like a priest with high position or pope Purple Boy: Forgotten his name, but his the heir of a Duke; Wizard (or Magician??); I think his the 2nd ML Young Prince: Yellow/Gold hair and Red eyes; like someone with red hair Ch. 30: Baby Erin, how the heck did you get kidnapped so easily Ch. 32: CP condition is @ worse situation; ML suddenly appered at the celler; MC's father is at the auction, where MC is getting bet on Ch. 36: MC is finally coming back home with her father Ch. 40: So MC's foster Father actually care and love MC and don't want to give her to MC's biological father 47: All of them are fighting for Ayrin's attention. Sooo cute
It's My Destiny To Be The Hero's Saviour
Ch. 31 / 63 I read the future, more likely my future, in a book. Trope •Pie: Sooo Cute; Some kind of an owner or his part of the “mysterious library” when the library was made; Element Spirit(?) •ML: The “red eye boy” •Mastermind: Black Witch; MC’s “fake Step-mom”; The one who order MC’s Father to do the all the experiment MC’s Mother family side: Adore and live MC unconditionally Summary: MC is being a rat lab by her biological father, Save by her grandfather (mother side); Still not use from being love by her family; Her mother reason died is still unknown, but suspect MC’s father is the reason, like her mother is also been treated like a rat lab
Lord Baby Runs A Romance Fantasy With Cash
Sched Update: Thursday (I think?) Ch. 39/40 Ch. 18: MY BABY FINALLY KNOW HER NAME?!?! RUATISA But her age is still unknown Ch. 20; Tie (MC’s nickname) is 4 years old born in October 11 Ch. 21-22: Baby girl is taking revenge on her uncle Ch. 24: Error Ch. 36: I think the "angel thingy" is the ML
Failed to Log Out, but Succeeded in Marriage
With 1 chapter (6-24-23) I think this still a promo I know this will be an Interesting manhwa based from the spoiler that I keep seeing at tiktok
My Beloved Oppressor
A MUST READ MANHWA Ch. 22 Ch 15: FL second time of suicide (cut her wrist) Ch. 19-20: FL third time of suicidal (hanging her self); The Divorce part; and a little bit of flashbacks when they were teens 21-22: Their teenage time