Tensei Seijo, Maou Aku ni Nomi Hatsujou su ~ Kouryaku Taishou ni wa Zettai ni Tokimeke nai Isekai de
Okay, but better than I thought it would be. Ends up happy with the Demon King. Cute with some smexy parts. Would re-read
Reigniting Beastly Desires~Intense Love after a Decade
So, FL's letter was torn by bully girls in high school, but both ML and FL liked each other. ML hears about the letter being torn up 10 yrs later and decides to pursue her. Does end up forcing her a few times and few others so far are her agreeing to it. Uh, one drunk foreplay though. He does stop himself from going all the way. Hate 2nd ML though. He doesn't take I don't have feelings for you and is delusional he'll get together with her again. She already dumped you, go away.
Sazuka Rikon ~ Ikkokumo Hayaku Migomorutte, Watashi kara Kaihou shite Sashiagemasu!
Ch 10 FL has very, very low self-esteem. Feels as though it's actually in the negatives.
Reincarnated as a Witch, Loved by an Incubus