this was the most beautiful, incredible story ever. the growth and development that lim heechan and seo jinhyuk had was so well done, and the way they matured from being teens to their adult years and the way neither side is shy about loving the other -when in the beginning they would only tiptoe around it- made me go crazy. i would be content reading a hundred more chapters about them, or wiping my memory to read it again for the first time.
Mo Dao Zu Shi
gave severe depression but so good we luv wwx!
Someone else's BL Manhwa
honestly i dont remember much abt this story lolol but i remember loving it when i first read it
At the End of the Road
i rated this 5 stars more out of nostalgia than anything. i would do anything to be back in 2019 reading this for the first time bc the vibes were immaculate.
Hollow Lovers
chu lin and ziming's chaacter development>> everything. love how it wasnt just romance focused
Murderer Llewellyn's enchanting dinner invitation
actually amazing and non-stereotypical and incredible they are the moment
The Art of Taming A Tiger