The Symbiotic Relationship Between the Rabbit and the Black Panther
God I love this too much it's wayyyy to amazing for life ugh I needed more updates!!!
Moon of the Devil World
Mmmm yummy yes please
GoYuu Comic - Jujutsu Kaisen dj
So good its like many different fanfics conjoined not literally I mean they aren't actually connected but they're all together P.s. DJ means different ones together like grouped one again not actually connected to each other
Warrior's Afterlife
That was really good fun short read finished it in about an hour or less love it!!
Onihebi Kyuai Monogatari
The Magic of Chocolate
It was sorta weird but I liked it
Zero Hunting to Trap a Wolf
Oh my god it's sooo cute uuugghhhthat was ssoooooo good one of these best ending ever ahhhh that was so amazing lord I love it soooo much
100% Captive
Oof sooo good and it's getting heated his dark past is so good I love it it's so cute too oh god I want more
Caressing The Nipples of My Hibernating Bear
You already know eeeeeveryryrhinf about this I don't even need to put anything here
Warrior’s Adventure