edit: Fuck... Reading this for the 3rd time was a mistake, now I'm feeling like an EMOTIONAL WRECK. Words cannot express how much I love this manga, the two of them are a match made in heaven. THAT ONE PANEL WHERE SONO'S MOM SAW THE WAY HE WAS LOOKING AT YANO... BRO THAT WAS ABSOLUTE CINEMA, the most cutest thing ever but it ruined me... in a good way ofc ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
edit: The way Sono broke down crying when he saw Yano while he's on call with his mom... I'm gonna cry that was so fucking adorable.
That feeling when I finish a manga, and there's always that ONE final scene where I get reminded that I've finally reached the end of this whole rollercoaster ride... It's the worst yet best feeling in the entire world (I think)
Why're there so many hate comments? This manga was an absolute masterpiece and everything was executed well! I'm already feeling attached to this manga it's frustrating arghh
Update: I'm still crying about it after 30 minutes later