282 - End (revisiting some arcs to have HE)
Arcs have been getting worse over time, last one was absolute garbage. 1st arc was the only good one, if it doesn't get better within the next one then just drop it
Ch266 - arc13 end (step-brothers) Garbage 0/5
Ch234 - arc12 end (space age)
Ch208 - arc11 end ("sissy" of demon sect)
Ch182 - arc10 end (mafia/mercernary w/ little bro)
Ch166 - arc9 end (a-list actor)
Ch143 - arc8 end (gamer neighbour)
Ch120 - arc7 end (merman)
Ch101 - arc6 end (zombies)
Ch73 - arc5 end (demonic cultivation sect)
Ch54 - arc4 end (orc/beastman otome)
Ch40 - arc3 end (yandere chaebol)
Ch25 - arc2 end (historical china general)
Ch11 - arc1 end (best friends high school) 4/5
The Expert Boyfriend Snatcher