January 9, 2025
Itonaga's the cutest and him being paired with Sanada is such a satisfaction to my love bones. I expected darker angst and drama, but eh, the original would do. I find their dynamic really cute and sexy— how they patiently and lovingly explored each other in their own way. They really seem to be genuine of their feelings towards each other, and acts on that love to brazen up and show how authentic those feelings are. This couple show characters as of a real person and development as how people in real life also progresses based on the desire they acted upon. Their emotions and feelings also felt raw that I couldn't blame when there were certain parts I find questionable. But understanding human and their nature, I find their story natural and beautiful. That's the beauty of their romance, and the sexy scenes are cherry on top hehe. They sure are spicy lol
Itonaga-kun no Koi no Ito