Hydra 1+2+3+4
Love it<33 I already read this the second-time But I still likes the Manga!! The Chara´s are great Hitomi and Ryuu Also Tarai<33 Soo I´m looking foward read the next Story
Hydra 5+6
Kyaa<33 Hitomi and Taira<33 A beautiful Couple!! I don´t really like Ryuu in this Parts:/
Hydra 9+10+11
Love it!!! I´m a little sad that Hitomi and Taira break up But Hitomi always loves Ryuu and Ryuu has finally understand that he also loves Hitomi<33 Both look so hot with short Hair<33 I think the Hydra-Serie is one of the best Manga´s from Miyamoto-Sensei It´s such a good Story and you´re addicted to this Serie!!
Yuukyuu no Kanata
I don´t likr the first Story....... and about Kanata Yuki and Hisakuni I like Yuki so much..... Is he really dying?
Fancy Love
Sooo cute Sweet and hot I like the First and the Second Story the Last is very confussing Sooo its only Oneshots but ist okay
Hero Heel
I Love the Manga <33333 But I think Minami should be toghter with Katagiri
Hikkoshite Kimashita Otonari Ni
Hahahahah this Story is really Funny But don't Know if I like it or not Renji is sooo funny
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