Maya-Chan's manga / #Kuroko no Basuke(10)

Kuroko no Basuke dj - 13 Centimeters

Complete | Gusari,Sashikizu | 2000 released
2015-07-20 19:09 marked

Mido x Taka Love. This Manga Great work Takao is soo cute I Fall more and more in Love with him But was Shin-Chan is really Leaving him all Aloen? Its very good but I think very Sad to......

Night Blindness

Complete | Hakaider,Ureshino Midori | 2000 released

OMG!!!!!!! This is soooo hot I am a huge Fan from the couple MidoTaka Great work I couldn't Wish anything more

Kuroko no Basuke dj - Departures

Complete | Jarosu,Tomotaka | 2000 released
2015-07-20 19:54 marked

Like them soo much This is only a Little but of the Love that MidoTaka Share But I like the Story

Kuroko no Basuke dj - Cheer Up!

Complete | VENOM | 2000 released
2015-07-21 09:13 marked

Hui hui hui hui!!!!!!! Great Work and hot Its also a Little funny Now you Know Kagami-kun that Kuroko can use Misdirection every where

kuroko no basket dj - Boku wa Suki desu, Kagami-kun no Koto

Complete | Wasukoro,UZSK,Uzui | 2000 released

Hahahaha how Funny its very unexpected that Kuroko is a Seme But no worring Kagami first you says that you be a tiger Something new but I Love it

kuroko no basket dj - Seirin Lovers

Complete | Wasukoro,Itadaki CAT,NEKOTA Kojirou | 2000 released

Soo cool Kiyoshi and Hyuuga in a Hospital I Love Hyuuga he's soo cute and also hot!!! Kuroko and Kagami..... This is one of my favourite couples Because every light have a shadow and they are great together

Kuroko no Basuke dj - Tenshi no OO

Complete | inumog | 2000 released
2015-07-21 15:16 marked

Hahaha Kagami wears a Bra hahaha Doesn't look Good in Kagami but Kuroko,,,, hui hui Very funny like it

Kuroko no Basuke dj - Misoji no Seikatsu

Complete | Gusari,Sashikizu | 2000 released

Hahaha super cute Good Work I Love this s Manga Sensei you are a good!!!

Kuroko No Basuke Dj - Ai Wo Komete Hanataba Wo

Complete | hoshino rumia, sweet berry | 2000 released
2015-07-21 16:41 marked

I Never thought that Kagami could be soo cute Aomine that fucking hot Bastard This Manga is great Normally I don't like the pairing AoKaga because both of them are clearly Seme!!!

Kuroko no Basuke dj - Boku to Issho ni Kurashimasen ka? Futsukame

Complete | KARAAGE Muchio,Karaage of the Year | 2000 released
2015-07-21 17:00 marked

Hot I think its freaking hot Kuroko is Seme?! And Kise too?? Its a Dream And Aomine and Kagami are the perfect Uke?! Nice idea!!