Tentacle Recipe
Between the Devil and Me
DO NOT READ. Hot demon king, but evil. Like, complete POS evil. Make a contract but demon keeps cheating and manipulating and story honestly doesn't matter because demon king can just do whatever the f he wants and apparently that's fine according to the contract that supposedly was so important. Like literally threatens to kill director if he doesn't continue, then to kill director if he doesn't make more wishes, says he has to hurt people when making wishes then says he won't, literally hypnotizes him to be mean and apparently that still corrupts him. Honestly so f stupid, was in pain just going through to get pics of demon king.
Tabesugi Kinshi!
Omega to Akuma no Sefure Jijou
Fudanshi-kun No Honey Days
The Incubus’s Feast/Official
Hot and Cute. Incubus feeding off of guy, but healthy relationship. Jealous younger brother of incubus is a pos.
Yuusha-san wa Maou-sama no Ko o Haramitai