Feeding lamb
i really like how well this was written, ive never read something where the sick twisted and unappealing factors about it encouraged me to continue to read it.
Room to Room
Hogu Hagyeongsu
this was the first time a bl has ever full on had me sobbing, so many restless nights, i even cried myself to sleep. i honestly didn't expect anything that any of this would happen and i would give it full points on being one of a kind. though, at the end i fucking yelled, when yule was the intended love interest, i feel kinda bad for liking yule. No, i dont ship them. eh i kinda do, but shhh. im just glad that there was a chance for every character to mature. my only dislike about this manhwa was how much sex there was. Yes, i know that this is a bl, its just that some scenes are ruined with sex, i would appreciate some wholehearted character development.
Escape Journey
mackenzie showed me this
Deichuu no Hasu