Royal blood/artiscrats are born with a core and mystic powers. If they're core is disrupted they can mutate into a zero/monster. Kyon a fair hair/skinned uke starts a job working for the scarred aristocrat Lucaon. Lucaon hates humans and is cruel to his servants. However Kyon falls in love with Lucaon although Lucaon continues to treat him harshly even when they start hook up. We learn that Lucaon is scarred because his core started to get corrupt and turn into a monster except a very powerful aristocrat was able to stop the transformation. He transformed because his family was poisoned with a drug that corrupts cores and they all turned to monsters. He saw the carnage and started to turn. They're all searching for who poisoned his family and stop the organization from doing it again so its a bit of a mystery and we see Lucuon start truly loving Kyon and he eventually turns into his partner rather than servant.
Probs not a re-read cause its so long and some parts are a stretch. Not enough couple cute too
Royal Servant