A Sip of Poison
Historical romance (noble x slave girl). Not a bad story but the end felt rushed. I think the special chapter at the end was my favorite.
Vinland Saga
Watching the anime...will have to read the manga now. Vikings. Drama.
It had potential but wasn't my favorite. Happy ending for those looking for it.
Bongchon Bride
This was incredible. I usually avoid historical stories because of the even greater inequality that existed then. There is a lot of that here but a happy ending nonetheless. It was full and bright and painful and beautiful. Highly recommend. The art is simple but the story is not. ️
Cradle of Imae
Okay...this story was hella confusing from the start. By the very end, I sort of have it (the afterword was actually critical for this). So many people just...died and were never mentioned again. There was such a a focus on the other couple at the academy so...that was a shock that didn't have ANY real mention other than them laying on the ground (knocked out? sleeping? dead?) and then you realize all of them except for two died. Crazy. Again, plot was all over. Something odd was the relationship at the start with Riujin and Imae. Because when you meet them at the academy, three whole years have passed. Yet they seem to barely speak or even know each other. Considering how chapter one or two went, thought their relationship was VERY different. I think (?) that was a dream but who the hell knows at this point. The final battle was over in like four panels. It was gorgeous and had tons of story potential but it fell flat for me.
Alpha no Chouinshiki
5 chapters. Complete? Prime minister x crown prince. Older alpha x younger alpha-turned-omega. Big age gap. This is farfetched but Sayonara Alpha addressed the same situation...if this world existed, this would absolutely be an issue. The art is gorgeous. The sex scenes are done well.
Hime Muko
7 chapters. Complete. A good plot and beautiful art. Wish it had been in color since the whole premise is built on Shiki having scarlet eyes. Same age boys. Chief's son x shamaness. Liked the world-building.
The Tainted Half