Lost Virgin (Nagi Wataru)
The young actor Emoto wants to get in contact with his kouhai from university, Kurama. However, not able to get a good timing, he follows him around like a stalker day by day. His actions irritate the popular Okama talent Chouko, who warns him not to approach Kurama anymore. Emoto, while initially defiant, reveals his true feelings after being forced to drink. Dead drunk, Emoto shows a weak, different side of him when he expresses his feelings of wanting to apologize to Kurama and at the same time he knocks Chouko out with his cuteness.
I’m In Trouble Because My Husband Is So Cute
The Broken Ring : This Marriage Will Fail Anyway
When six-year-old Inés laid eyes on the handsome heir to House Escalante, she promptly made the boy her fiancé. Since noble men are all the same, she figured she might as well choose a pretty one. But Lord Cárcel isn't ready for this sort of commitment just yet, and he spends the next decade and a half avoiding the marriage at all costs! Luckily, that's no trouble for Inés, as this marriage failing is exactly what she wants. In fact, he has her blessing to sow his wild oats as long as he stays out of her business. Unfortunately, being a playboy isn't as fun when your fiancée gives you permission. And doesn't this mean she's cheating on him too? Now, Cárcel is determined to change Inés' mind about him and prove he can be the husband she's always wanted.
Marriage of Convenience