Kiss me, Liar
Penggambaran awal alur ceritanya all over the place; tapi bagus alurnya klimaks diakhir
Kiss Me, Liar - Special Episodes
Anjir salah pahamnya bikin pala gue pening cok
When The Yakuza Falls Inlove
Kurang suka konsep kidnap2 gini sih. Gue kurang ngerasa affection topnya
Dear Door
Demon X Human If u are into action fantasy, this one is one of the best ever. Heavy and complex
Deliverance of the Counterattack
I dont read it after 100ch, its good but too complex for me
T doesn’t suffer at all bitchhh!!!! B struggle 8 tahun sendirian di masa hamil dan besarin anak. Bayangin kalau Bnya abort tuh bayi anjengggg!! T bener2 ga deserves forgiveness, dia brengsek, masa ga peduli nyawa bayi? Mau itu anak orang lainpun juga gak pantes merintah2 abort anak orang GOBLOK. Obsessive parah, jatohnya toxic. T samsek ga bisa liat B sama orang lain, ngobrol aja dikira selingkuh, SICK BASTARD!! Kenapa anjeng B mau nerima lagi cowo brengsek macem babi ini. Terus apa2an tuh minta hak asuh anak? LU AJA MINTA TUH ANAK DIGUGURIN, GAK TAU MALU MASIH MINTA HAK ASUH KON!!
Kiraide Isasete
I don’t really like vol2, they focused on the new couple, they aren’t important why focused on them tho
How to Snag an Alpha