Kojika Counter!
“HAVE YOU EVER SAID STOP IT?” VICTIM BLAMING IS A THING NOW HUH!! Playboy delinquent leader top X bullied powerless bot. Gampang lu ngomong gitu karna lu pembulinya. Gak suka, mau topnya bukan pembuli, tetep aja dia ketua dari para pembuli. Trus mau lo jadian sama ketua orang2 yang ngebuli lo? NAJIS BANGET SKIP
You know what breaks my heart? Knowing that a masterpiece will never be completed. It seems like the author is under serious illness and the last work that she finished is in 2019.. Just hope that the author will get better soon! Syundei is one of my fav mangaka cause every story that she made is always out of the box! Basically this story is about a guy that met his old elementary school classmates, turns out that they are in the same uni. B punya masalah keluarga yang serius, dia bahkan sampe jual diri untuk bayar ‘utang’. Dan ternyata, bestienya T adalah saudara tiri si B; dia benci sama B dan punya ‘ketertarikan’ ke T.