Raising a Bat
why did i bust in my pants 2seconds into reading this also why is it like fantastic and beautiful and then boom a translation that requires a team of 20 scientists and 43 engineers to decode like why WHAT ARE YOU EVEN SAYING uhhh overall very enjoyable! mingyum was kinda crazy sometimes but that felt pretty reasonable considering what he went through and stuff so.. uhhh!! also minji and chunsam's friend?! 5 year age gap and he was a first year in college!!!! crazy crazy idk about that.. i really liked the idea of vampire + guy who has too much blood! i think it is a fun concept!! OH fuck jungwon??! he was such a bastard and he still got back with his girl? that was absolutely unacceptable
My Hot Friend Is Glowing
this was definitely something i read!! i dunno how to feel about it honestly... the plot/concept is interesting and it was funny! but like it was kinda super strange and there was so much going on?? everything with the ghosts and fox spirit and glasses was kinda crazy like ?!?!!??? also there was just so much going on! it didnt really feel like romantic until the last few chapters also which is fine i guess but not what i was expecting!! they live laugh love though congratulation.. but also like their relationship didn't seem like a major plot point somehow like it could've been okay without them dating somehow
On or Off
director kang im sorry i ever thought badly about you holy FAWK alright.. chill.. he was cool that one time ! my baby girl yiyoung i lauv him but jesus christ i am embarrassed there are tears running down my face.. overall congrats.. they were cute and the plot was interesting ! i enjoyed reading. um. why did they have every sex possible?. roleyplay, voyeurism, phone sex, somnophilia bro?!???! i had to pause there. i like when people date and then they are sweet and kiss mwah mwah hug i love you more than sex all day personally... IN MY OPIONION. thats all. wait also the beginning made me suicidal. no hate but i hate when people do stuff like that.. NOT YIYOUNG!!! my man. but director kang was a kunt
Work Love Balance
what the fuck.. dont let your neighbkrs find iut that youre fucking your uncle tee hee (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!! i also didnt realize they were 23 and 38 like GODDAMN... okay hold awn. the subway delusion. stop. also wtf is wrong with them?? they were ok in the first one but this is actually driving me crazy.. and wtf does he mean "tee hee its spring" mf that does not justify being unfaithful?!???? girl spring already came for you stfu. ALSO i wanted to actually end my life when yiyoung was sucking on the director's ear like his entire tongue was caressing his eardrum!! GROSS!! ok honestly director kang or whatever jis name is.. he's kinda annoying me so yay for the other guy.. i like to see director king being PISSED tbh its fun. okay no this isn't fun anymore ch 31.. what bruh. i removed a star. FUCK YOU UGLY!!!!!!! he's mad and chooses the worst way of expressjng it. kys
Hotel Phryne
whT the hell why are you kissing yourself and WHYY are two of his identities in a relationship.. actually i became suicidal while reading this. why the fuck was it like that.?!? i could not stop reading it was too interesting tbh. i was a fan. but the first version of hyunjin that died (the one that hated doyoung) never showed itself again.. idk weird. the ending made me want to cry for some reason also.. its like too mich is happening my emtions are rollercoastering i think. tbe fact that hyunjin just doesnt remember anything makes me feela little crayz.. not his fault of course but damn doyoung went through everything while he was taking a little nappy nap
Voice of Love
motherfucker jiho is like angry about virtually nothing and then hes like i cant take this lets break up! TAKE WHAT???? nothing is happening dude theres no reason for that.. uhm okay anyway.. it was okay overall.. kyungho should die. jisoo and hyebin were my favs honestly the other people didnt make sense to me
Dangerous Convenience Store
idek his name bro the ahjussi is giving me an ulcer.. everything about sex is so lame01101100.. uhhhh! it was kinda crazy overall. ahjussi kinda pissed me off a lot in the middle.. they were cute at the end though? i didn't kind the sex personally it just wasn't my thing. MY OPINION!!! hhhhh idk i feel like i was really angry the whole time i was reading this
Die If You Aren't A Virgin
Unromantic Quest
that demon garb has a klan air to it uh nice. good job. my brain was mia the entire time i was reading this
Love Tractor