Positively Yours
Started reading: 19/04/2022 Finished reading: 20/04/2022 Full of dugeun dugeun moments but also felt lacking somehow? The art was gorgeous though! I definitely got baby fever from this lol
Far from Romance
Started reading: 06/06/2022 Finished reading: 06/06/2022 BEAUTIFUL art omg. The story was sweet too and I also loved the cosplayer side character haha! I think she represents all readers. Note: this is mainly shounenai, with only one 18+ scene towards the end
A Love Contract with the Devil
Started reading: 20/06/2022 Finished reading: 24/06/2022 The art was absolutely gorgeous but the storyline was kind of confusing at times. I liked that there weren’t any annoying characters that just created drama but I don’t think I’ll reread this.
The Girl and the Geek