Stuck in My Sister's Dating Sim
Sooo... is story good .8/10 for creativeness. But the 3ml the wolf is such a green flag and best option.but we gona get the purple guy as ml. Bruhhh and what with crown prince like he there and what.and did purple r-ape mc like wtf i just supposed to be okey with it... is so awkward
I don't know why i eat this up but i did. IT'S SOOOOO GOOD THE CHEMESTRY IS HEAVENLY SO WHY THE FUCK IS SO PROBELAMATIC (U KNOW) AHHHHHH FUCK IT WOUD BE SO GOOD WITHOUT THIS MEENNNNNNNN is so bad that is good........i wana cry i this is not supposed to happen ch 108..FUCK... so i have some problem with this ..
The Rogue Prince Is Secretly an Omega
Nr .1 the best ever story bitch nobody beating this .love every thing about this .85% manhwas is read does not hit the same after reading there are soo boring..AAAA...
Undercover Darling
Uuuu co be good?
IT traumatized me but is one of the best .and i loove IT is so good if u dont think about morals u know.Ahhhh i love it but why is it soo goodgod finally is like a reward for reading this so happy
Dreaming of the Dokkaebi