i think is that manga about not hearing right boy that u were looking for !!!!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA it was the manga i was looking for !!!!
so its starst when MC literally fall from the sky - fall from street at roof somewere of is university campus and meets there a guy that shere his food with him
so MC was looking for work but with his short temper he lose his jobs pretty quicklly so when he see he can make note at lectures for money he look again for the guy from roof to make them for him and the reason that he need them is bc he is not haering well
so they come to agreement to MC makesing notes inchange for lunch food
and the story begins
MC sees him as normal despite his disability and helps him get over his walls and makes him fall in love with him
they have some up and downs but deaf kid confess and after misundestunding after misundertsunding and getting thieir shit together MC decide to drop out of collage to work at comoany thay work to make easier life for people that are hard hearing of deaf
so 6 msc pass and they finally meet again and MC realise he is also in love and the kinda starts dating
and getting closer again but there is another misundetstunding and misscomunication and jeaulous and self-heatred that lead them to kinds situation "we are on a break"
but finally they figures it out and are happy coules that didnt do more than kissing and holding hands basiclly
there are lots of sitation like: younger stusent thet is in love with deaf guy, gandpa getting sick, ex gf asking for help with stalker but the main plot is life with disability and bad comunication between main chacaters
it was a good read but i wish to see some spice lol
so its ongoing yaaay vol 5 ch 1
Hidamari ga Kikoeru