short and drunk guy is approched by handsome policeman that thinks the short one might be a minor, they explain misundestunding and become friends meeting regulary at short work (convinint store) where he picks food for policeman, one thing leadt to another and shorty prupose to cook for policeman and he takes opurnity to eat some delicous homemade food, they get closer even more and shorty gets a crush and confess, policeman ask for some time to think about his feeling bc he wants to be sure that feeling are 100% mutual, so they still hang out and with some sugestion from shorty friends to make him jesouls he says that the party he goes is not just meet up with friends but something more? i cant remeber if it is mixer but it is not really xD so policeman is near the place he went for meeting at see shorty talking to the girl that asks him if he has someone that he is interested and he says he has but its unrequired and policeman gets jelly fr and takes him away and some time later he is in love with shorty and they starts dateing
at the end of story we see they slowly progress as lovers and do the did
Sugar Dog Life