Love in Reprise
23 17 uke gets drunk, goes into heat, they KISS and MAKE OUT cinderella gap- uke in a lot of debt and decides to be a surrogate and carry a rich alphas child since surrogates get paid a lot
99.99% Lovers
42 21 they do it for the first time 29 seme doesnt sleep trying to find uke (blonde hair now), uke sees news of seme’s ‘new relationship’ (political), cries thinking seme never liked him, goes to confront him about it rather than run away like he was supposed to, sees seme out with the girl, starts crying wondering why he even cared so much-acting so hurt, passes out 30 seme tells girl that there’s someone he’s trying to get back, rushes uke to the hospital, uke escapes, seme vows he’ll get him back 31 two months pass and seme is still looking (incredibly disheveled and scruffy looking) 32 seme finds uke, finds out uke’s pregnant with his child, hugs him, uke cries 35 uke goes looking for seme after he doesnt come back bc he heard seme might be sick, finds seme in a rut and he KISSES/ makes out with uke 36 THEY do it (pretty romantic) 37 in bath, uke kisses him 38 uke goes to the park, seme can’t find him and panics thinking he ran away again, starts crying when he sees uke didnt, they get together 41 THEY do 42 seem proposed, uke agrees hwan lee=seme haejin kang= uke ayeon shin= girl seme needs to pretend to be in relationship with to maintain status, daughter from NX group keysteel=semes family company alpha needs to have a child in order to inherit his company (grandmothers rule) but he can’t find anyone who will be able to because you need to be 40% and above compatible. He finds the omega who is 99. 9% compatible with him and attempts to woo him in order to have his child. alpha was an ahold to uke in beginning, omega loves to adventure and his dream is to visit the Amazon
A Tiger's Den