35 3 ukes mom is killed from seme’s attack, uke goes undercover to assassinate seme as revenge by sleeping with him and infecting him with imqe poison (don’t know how effective it’ll be since he’s not full imae) 4 they meet (seme refuses ukes offer to paint him)6 uke sucks out the poison from seme’s leg, is told how much seme hates the imae 7 seme doesn’t know what comes over him but allows uke to paint him, tells uke to not look at him since his purple eyes are disgusting 8 uke sleepwalks in front of seme and he turns a blind eye to it not punishing him which is very unlike seme 9 uke is told how it’s difficult for even the best painters of the time to paint seme and him being allowed to is a huge deal that’ll be marked down in history 10 seme personally pats uke down for the security check, which the guards note is the first time he’s ever done that 11 uke smiles at seme, seme reacts intensely to it, seme’s bodyguard notes to uke that he perfectly suits seme’s tastes 12 seme visits uke’s room, tells him his mind keeps being occupied with thoughts of uke and he makes him feel weird 13 seme tries to kill uke bc of it, can’t go through with it, gives in and KISSES HIM 14 MAKE OUT 15-6 they DO IT 17 seme spoons uke and they fall asleep, seme DOES IT to uke again in the morning canceling his meeting
A Painter Behind the Curtain