Kaiiaa's manga / #older uke(76)


Ongoing | Mingwa | 2019 released

43 20 uke feels really good while doing it - gets hard and cums all over the bathroom mirror 24 ever since the bathroom sex uke starts feeling good when they do it + seme kisses uke making uke cum 25 uke tries to learn some boxing techniques to be a better physio for seme, seme offers to teach him which shocks everyone at the gym (esp potato because seme would never even look his way) 27 uke gets seme to take a day off every week when no one else could ever convince him (by saying he’ll plan something for them to do together), they play board games together, seme sucks at them so he goes for a swim instead 28 they do it- seme kisses uke before doing it and kisses him again in the water when he sees uke crying from falling in, uke thinks about how he’s cold from the water yet the places where his skin touches seme’s is scorching hot, is concerned at how his body is increasingly reacting to seme and his feelings for him keep developing as time passes and thinks about how he cannot let this keep happening 29 uke sees seme watching a movie, seme invites him to watch so he joins him, thinks the glasses he’s wearing rlly suit him, learns seme can’t sleep and movies help him, seme allows him to make another wish (but for himself rather than others ), they do it- uke cums immediately, thinks abt how every part of him lights up when touched by seme 30 uke notices something’s changed for him after their time in the pool-now he gets flustered and starts blushing just at the sight of seme and he can’t figure out why 31 seme is in a bad mood (jealous???) after heesung the actor keeps hitting on uke (visiting their gym everyday, showering him with expensive gifts) and doesn’t allow uke to work with him as his doctor after heesung asked him to, also loudly asked uke to stop his alarm from going off for so long in the morning to indirectly tell heesung that they r living together joo jaekyung=seme kim dan=uke heesung=actor thats starts crushing on uke, has seme coach him to prepare for action scenes hwang yoon-gu (potato)= junior boxer at the gym whose got a crush on seme/ idolizes him daehyun= semes teammate w/ blonde manbun at the top

The Falling Merman

Ongoing | 麟潜,Re-vendur,流浪草工作室,长佩文学网 | 2019 released

106 seme’s just left from visiting uke to finish off his mission of investigating this octopus experimental subject, uke is head of the merfolk again and investigating a boat full of deceased clones of seme (trying to extract seme’s dna since his dna can be used for making that medicine/accelerant without knowing his dna is mutated from uke’s mermaid blessing) 1 tests show uke is really compatible with seme’s pheromones, seme remembers their friends with benefits days and the day he got attacked by uke, even though they ‘aren’t on good terms’ anymore uke still calls for seme’s help and seme still agrees to go save him even though he believes uke had wanted to escape him to go to a better alpha bc he wasn’t good enough 2 seme saves him and princess carries him out of there (reunited after 3 years) 4 uke nuzzles seme’s hand, flashback scene of them doing it, seme notes he won’t be able to get over uke so hopefully they can be friends or partners on missions 5 seme teaches uke to call him chu ‘hyung’ 6 seme gets flustered, uke licks seme’s lips, flashback to when they first met and seme was already attracted to him, seme hugs uke close after remembering something bad saying at least uke’s now within his reach 7 uke hears it’ll be dangerous (not actually since it’s a vr world), immediately goes to protect seme 8 uke gets shot, thinks he’s actually gonna die, gives his scales to seme since they r precious relics, seme kisses him pretending to do ‘cpr’ 10 seme learns uke’s tail was cut off, wonders what horrors he had to endure the 3 years they were apart, kisses his tail, another omega hits on seme, uke gets annoyed (jealous) 11 uke shows possessiveness, mishears seme and thinks seme says he’s his precious, gets happy and agrees 13 uke hugs seme refusing to sleep in separate rooms 14 seme sees uke’s hole is swollen and infected, bites uke saying he deserves it for wanting to run away from him thinking he could do better, uke gets angry, bites seme back, and moves to other bed upstairs, seme finds him crying, hugs hims and comforts him saying he’ll take care of him, releases his pheromones to soothe him, asks him to not run away again 15 uke secretly thinks seme is rlly handsome 18 seme gets hit, uke panics 20 uke saves seme and kisses him multiple times, the accelerant allows him to speak properly, tells him he actually killed the snake woman a long time ago as revenge for him hurting seme when they were young, asks why seme is so mad at him since he was the one that used up his pheromones to raise him and send him out of the lab, knows its vr and shoots seme to tell him thats how much it hurts when he treats him badly 21 seme gets arrested for keeping uke and not turning him in, uke gets pissed, hugs him and refuses to let him go 22 seme wonders whether the info uke told him when he could speak was true or not- wants nothing more than to have uke tell him that the attack on his stomach was unintentional/on purpose to help him, comforts uke as he’s being treated for his wounds 22 seme says he has to take care of ‘his omega’ first 23 seme is released from prison and immediately goes home and passes out on bed, uke sees he’s back and cuddles him, spoons him and falls asleep with him in his arms 24 uke gives seme money since semes accounts are frozen as punishment 25 seme goes to see how uke is doing in his new job at the police department, uke doodles a lion (seme) and a fish (uke) attacking the bad guy mentioned in the case the police force is trying to solve 26 seme hugs uke, uke tells him to stop messing around since hes at work and gives him cash to buy food, they almost get down and dirty but is interrupted 27 seme eagerly cooks dinner for uke even though he normally hates cooking and would never do it, uke likes the dinner, takes pics of it, sees scar on seme stomach, gets all serious, sits on seme who hugs him but uke elbows him away, opens up his wound, seme releases his pheromones, gently bites and kisses uke, goes to lick his wound down there but is pushed away 29 seme requests access to his weapons so he can protect uke who got sent out on a night mission (cuz uke wants the cash to give to seme) 30 uke tells seme to go home and get rest, seme says its fine as long as he gives him half the bounty, uke nuzzles seme saying he’ll give the entire bounty to him 30 seme asks uke to mark him since it symbolizes possessiveness 31 uke does, they meet another alpha who questions why semes there-seme proudly shows the mark to him saying hes his family 32 seme sees a fish, touches it, uke gets angry (jealous), uke says he wont allow anyone tear them apart and he’ll bring him back to honduras?, uke kisses seme, seme realizes uke believes that he is the dominant one in their relationship- flashback to the first day they met, he had cuddled against uke and uke had taken that as a sign of submission and that he is the protector 33 seme calls him ‘hyung’ instead of trying to make uke call him that and submissively cuddles into uke, uke gets turned on, things start getting hot and heavy but they get interrupted which pisses uke off 34 seme picks up a ring and gifts it to uke, places it on his tail, uke blushes, seme promises to buy a more expensive one when they get out, playfully slaps ‘ass’ (ukes tail) 35 seme gets reminded of a bad memory, uke immediately strokes his face, releases pheromones to calm him down, hugs him telling him he’s there for him 36 and not to worry 37 they complete their mission, uke tells seme ‘let’s go home’ and continue their ‘makeout sesh’/where they left off before they were interrupted in chp 33, seme agrees saying he’ll also cook for him, they leave 38 a month later-seme is still cooking for uke, still has uke’s mark on his neck, uke hugs seme from behind, releases love pheromones, grabs his ‘boob’ and kisses his neck, strokes his bare body, says he wants to do it, seme says they can’t cuz uke still isn’t old enough so it’s against the law-wait until he’s done growing and is ‘legal’ 39 uke tells seme he has to call him everyday when he’s on his business trip, seme says ofc, asks uke to mark him some more since they’ll be away from each other for awhile 41 seme calls uke, uke tells him the omega union bought him, seme tells him that means hes free and can return home to the sea, uke says he’ll leave once he gets back something he left behind at 109, seme gets sad thinking he actually wants to leave 41 uke doesn’t want seme to hang up, he agrees saying uke can listen to him instruct the students, afterward training seme continues talking to uke in a loving way (blushing and everything), shocks his trainees who r used to him being scary and strict, one of the trainees who can understand mertalk is shocked and tells everyone the person on the other end of the phone (uke) asked seme ‘little cat did you miss me?’ in mertalk 42 uke sends a seductive photo of himself to seme, seme’s gets all flustered and blushes like crazy 42 seme gets pigeon coworker to try to go to his home and get ukes invoice to ship over to him to prevent uke from leaving, pigeon gets caught, uke gets jealous, interrogates him asking if they ever shared a breeding room, finds out hes shared a tent with seme before and has a kid, gets sad cuz he thinks it’s seme kid (it’s not) 43 goes to pigeons house and cuddles pigeons son, seme flies back and takes him home, pissed that uke doesn’t seem jealous that he ‘slept with someone else’ and impregnated them 44 seme demands uke give him the invoice, uke fights back, seme grabs him and kisses him, ties him up and feels him up+kisses him even more, pissing uke off 45 seme confronts uke abt why he’s not jealous saying he hasn’t held anyone other than uke for his whole life and uke doesn’t seem to care if he does it with someone else or not, uke doesn’t understand since the language seme used was too complicated but understands seme is agitated so he hugs him and releases soothing pheromones, makes seme cook for him and feed him, tells seme he actually did care if the kid was seme’s or not and had gone to pigeons place bc he wanted to check for himself and was comforted when the kid didn’t have seme’s smell 45 seme finds out uke didnt take his invoice (still with yan yi) and made an alliance to work with the Omega Union on behalf of the merfolk (to stay with seme and support him) 46 seme is shocked to learn uke is the king of the merfolk, has to leave for the island to train the trainees again, uke wraps his tail around seme and hugs him asking him where he’s going, marks him to make sure everyone knows seme belongs to him 47 seme leaves for island again, leaves a cup of milk pudding and a cheesy love note for uke, uke is happy and sticks the note on his tank so he can see it all the time 49 seme is sent for another mission, tells uke he’ll be away for another business trip and will miss him, uke looks at a pic of seme and thinks abt how he’ll miss him too 50 uke goes to help seme on his mission 52 seme gets sad for his crocodile trainee who died, uke doesnt like that hes feeling so much about someone else, views it as a betrayal of his rare possession, gets super possessive- feels up uke, scratches his name over his stomach, kisses him saying he has to remember him first 53 marks seme, 54 seme installs a waterbed so uke can sleep next to him, asks uke to sleep (zzzs) with him, falls asleep, uke checks to see if his scratched on name on semes stomach is infected or not, glad it isn’t, releases soothing pheromones, seme being half asleep starts licking uke all over saying hes always wanted to do this to him for a rlly long time (cats grooming instinct), tells uke that a female lioness once licked him for a day and it made him feel loved, uke kisses him 55 the waterbed is too cold and freezes uke, seme panics and immediately takes him to the doctor for a checkup (he’s fine), seme learns from the rhino doctor that uke’s lived for approximately 200 years already before being captured, doctor tells seme hes seen all the hickeys he’s given uke and reminds him that even though uke is an adult in terms of age he’s not one yet in experimental subject stages (only cultivation stage) and seme would be arrested for doing it with a minor 55 the rhino doctor gives seme his newly formulated AC accelerant that can help uke reach his adult phase for 24 hrs (so he can talk and everything) in exchange for their help going on a mission for him 56 the doctor tells seme his partner for the mission will be uke so they can go on a date to the aquarium (location of the mission), they banter and the doctor roasts seme, seme comes back with a ‘at least i’ve got an omega’ 56 the doctor notes seme will have a lot of love rivals fighting over uke in the future 56 seme comes home, gives uke a kiss on the cheek calling him beautiful and delicious uke hugs seme from behind saying he wants to lay eggs in him, seme tells him he can’t do that and can only bottom 57 uke wants to eat the oysters at the aquarium, seme says they can’t afford the ones at the aquarium, uke doesn’t get it and pities him for being ‘poor’, says he’ll bring him home and feed him 10 of these oysters a day, seme gets happy hearing uke say he’ll bring him home since the concept has always been so foreign to him 58 uke goes underwater for the mission, seme leans into him telling him to be safe and that he’ll always be watching out for him, uke blushes, sees the other merman’s tail end is a bigger fin than his, asks seme if he prefers that, seme says absolutely not, uke still sulks abt it 60 everyone admires uke’s beauty in the aquarium tank, seme sees and blushes admiringly, wants to hug him and do R rated things to him, notes he has a ethereal quality that no human can copy 61 they finish the first half of their mission, uke sits on their car staring at the sea, seme notes that uke really does look like he doesn’t belong here (too ethereal), gets suddenly scared that he’ll see uke homesick (meaning he might leave to return to sea), tells uke that if he really wants to eat the oysters at the aquarium, he’ll ask people to go get some for him, uke says there’s no need, pans to him literally cooking the oysters and eats them, seme comments saying hes never seen him go to the bathroom so he’s got a great digestive system, uke turns around and shows his ‘butthole’, seme grabs uke blushing saying he cant show that so easily to others, same goes for the hole in the front, uke kisses his cheek saying ‘little cat is so cute’, seme makes uke go on ahead so that he can calm down since hes really turned on and all he wants is for uke to mature so they can do it, injects a suppressant cuz he knows he’s about to go into rut soon 62 still cant control himself and kisses seme, uke grabs him and kisses him back, seme pushes him away saying to stop bc he doesnt want to go to jail, uke strokes his face saying hes grown up a lot and looks more handsome than before, hugs him 63 seme gets attacked, uke immediately comes in to assist and they complete the mission 64 seme is in pain given he’s overexerted himself, causing the suppressants to be extremely painful, uke holds him and gives him soothing pheromones, seme thinks about when they were younger and how uke would push him away bc of the heat, asks to be kissed 65 uke pats his head in response, seme asks him why he keeps treating him like a child even though they’ve already done it multiple time saying that he’s always thought of him as his bf but isn’t sure if uke feels the same way, uke says something about a parenting pouch belonging to him, pisses seme off saying uke’s always hurting him, restrains him and dislocates his arm back, uke starts crying 66 seme sighs and softens up, puts his shoulder back in place, hears a noise and checks it out, sees an omega and saves him, princess carries him out, uke sees and gets angry out of jealousy, snatches omega out of seme’s hands and carries him himself, then beats up seme 67 uke aggressively bites seme several times to give him multiple marks out of possessiveness, punches him again, passes out due to fatigue, seme cuddles him saying that that little show of jealousy was enough for him even though he was beat up-that he doesn’t ask for much to be satisfied 68 flashback to uke slashing seme’s stomach open-did it to be named the strongest experiment (even though its actually seme) so seme would be deemed useless and sold off rather than kept and experimented on further, present- uke cooks dishes for seme, brings it to him at the hospital, and 69 personally spoon feeds him even though he’s still a little pissed from before, but sucks at spoonfeeding bc he’s clearly never had to take care of someone else before (since hes king hes used to being waited on rather than the reverse), seme hugs uke asking if its too hot, uke says its fine (before he would always push him away now he doesnt) and says he doesnt want seme anymore cuz he doesnt listen and acts up, seme squeezes uke close saying to never say that, thinking back to how uke was the first omega he ever laid eyes on, flashback to uke taking care of tiny seme-the experimenters were delighted bc up to that point uke refused to get close with any alpha and was the most dominant of them all- would not allow anyone to touch him, look down on him, shout, walk around him, he wouldnt eat the food researchers gave to him, and would make everyone kneel down and kiss the tip of his tail but he would allow seme to do whatever he wants 70 thinking about all that makes seme sad and he leaves, confusing the f out of uke, seme goes drinking with his adoptive dad since he doesnt want to return home, checks his calls in the bathroom and gets sad that uke never calls him as if he doesnt care abt him but in reality uke is outside searching for him and finds him passed out drunk in the bathroom 71 seme mistakes uke for his breeder, drunkenly cries saying his wife whose been with him since childhood doesnt want him anymore, uke tells him to stop saying silly things and princess carries him home angrily hiss some criticisms in mertalk to ukes adoptive father for taking him drinking 72 seme asks uke to KISS him, uke lean in and kisses him, gets him home and takes his shirt off, sees seme has a necklace with a bead of his tear and the scale from his tail, is touched at how much seme cares about him, notices seme is burning up and calls the doctor in concern 82 uke decides to go back to his merfolk to reclaim his throne (there was a volcanic explosion that would have wiped the merfolk which uke used most of his power to stop, allowing the humans to capture him and the evil usurper brainwashed the merfolk into thinking uke ran away to save himself rather than protect them), uke CALLS seme husband and marks him (a massive blue marking on his back) before he goes so that everyone knows seme is his when he’s not around 94 uke carves a message into his skin before he reverts back to his child self saying that he’s back in his mermaid realm to clean it up and ready it to welcome the ‘queen’ (aka seme since uke is the king) and that he likes seme 96 uke creates a clam shell ‘throne’ for seme, seme goes to find uke 97 uke sings to seme, guards warn seme to plug his ears or else he’ll be entrapped in the mermaids siren song, seme brushes him off saying he’s willing to be reeled in 98 they reunite, uke smiles, jumps on seme hugging him and asks if he missed him or not, seme asks if he should call uke siren from now on since that’s his original name, uke refuses saying he likes seme calling him lanbo 99 uke brings seme to his underwater realm, introduces seme as the ‘queen’ to the merfolk (seme doesnt know bc he can’t understand mertalk), seme sees the horrible wound on uke’s back since the bandages can’t stay on well underwater and gets sad since it’s worse than he had thought 100 uke introduces seme as the ‘queen’ to his relatives (sea animals) that get super excited and emotional and gift seme a bunch of treasures, seme KISSES uke 101 seme hugs him 102 seme kisses uke’s tail, uke blushes, seme plants a bunch of small kisses thinking uke is too cute, the merfolk see and worry that uke will eat seme out of anger since he touched the kings tail, an older merman laughs saying that it’s not going to happen since seme has uke’s smell on him and that seme is like uke’s child (uke raised seme when seme was young), uke hugs seme and gifts him an earring that’s made from uke’s rib and heart second cp (chameleon omega with cougar alpha) 38,39,41 -Lan Bo/Rimbaud =uke, 857, electric ghost, king of merfolk -Bai Chu Nian= seme, white lion cat, 9100, divine envoy, instructor at Omega Union, apparently scarily powerful (even more powerful than uke) but no one knows it, can kill people immediately by turning them into a pearl (conditions: need to know name, be in contact and lower power than him) -Yan Yi=Omega Union president, droopy bunny ears, silver hair, semes adoptive parent -Uncle Jin= yan yis alpha partner, saved seme from boxing ring, adoptive parent -Lu Yan= jin and yan yis son, weird droopy ears as well -Bi Lanxing= lu yans friend, green hair and eyes, controls vines -semes team in training= lan xing, clownfish omega, firefly omega, crocodile alpha (died), mongoose alpha -Du Mo= the omega who fancied seme at the exam, police officer for the international department -109 + pbb= the lab they were in/got experimented on/ grew up in + some other organization -pigeon omega (semes coworker, shortish long hair, looks like a little kid, has a partner and a son), twin wolf alphas + wolf leader (silver hair + short dark brown hair, works for pbb), rhino alpha (doctor, unicorn horn), crawler caterpillar bug omega (hacker), 408 samael (joker, virus, has the ability to kill someone off immediately, turns them into a pearl that can be crushed, resulting in everyone forgetting them except experimental subjects, apparently has the same power as seme, tried to protect lin deng), lin deng (doctor that two experimental subjects r trying to protect-got away), xiao xun (black ears, omega, the sniper that seme let live at the exam, future cp of rhino alpha doctor, bullied by his wealthy family and brothers organized his kidnapping), domino (butterfly omega, 2412, black hair, works with this blue and black tuxedo dude, very sussy)

Arrogant otto the 1st

Ongoing | Akger | 2000 released

19 3 THEY do it in the garden 4 THEY do it again inside the palace and 5 apparently THEY do it every time after that (after seme’s theology lesson), uke realizes he likes seme and rlly loves him, also that he’s preggers 6 seme finds out (through doctor) that uke is preggers but 7 doesnt know if hes the father or not (thinks it could be ukes childhood friend or some other man) 8 uke thinks back to earlier when seme feeds him and smiles at how nice seme is and how good his room had smelled 9 seme accepts ukes invite to visit his house, uke says semes room isnt bad, seme jokingly comments they should do it in his room then, uke ignores it and goes to leave but turns around, grabs seme and kisses him (surprises seme) saying he looks forward to his visit 10 seme comes to visit, when they r alone he hugs uke saying he looks good in his priest attire and wants to do it, uke says he’ll suck him off instead 11 uke gives him a bj, seme wonders how many people hes done this with to get so good at it (in reality uke was taught how to do it during his education through a textbook), THEY end up doing it in ukes room 12 uke puts his head on semes lap 13 (flashback) seme sees a “poor” priest (uke) and gives him a loaf of bread, asks that the priest pray that he has a big family one day as payment for the bread 14 Frank accidentally catches uke and seme making out, is shocked and 15 continues spying on them, seme brings uke an entire basket of bread (feeding him since he knows ukes eating a lot more bc of the baby), seme notices frank ‘spying’, asks about him, finds out how close frank is with uke, realizes he could possibly be the father 16 seme takes uke out to the village to get more bread, uke treats it as a date, seme asks if uke has any nicknames, uke says to just call him by his name, seme starts using his name in every sentence, uke secretly loves it, they act p lovey dovey that schwaven (their bodyguard) notices it 17 seme takes uke on a little boat ride, uke loves it so much thinking if he should confess his feelings or not and wonders if seme would accept the news that hes pregnant with his child so they could be a happy family, uke tells seme the story of how the god cried for hundreds of years after his lover died and his tears formed the river they are on now, seme responds saying he would also cry a river of tears for hundreds of years if uke died, gets himself flustered bc he just indirectly confessed that he also loves uke, uke laughs 2 uke saves seme from a church fire when seme was a child, buys him a bday present every year, sends him money, has a kid keep on eye on him that he’s safe 3 seme makes uke take him home with him through minor blackmail that uke could have easily gotten out of but doesn’t try to and takes seme home 10 seme slips on the edge of the building, uke saves his life again, seme remembers the feeling of being held to safety 11 flashback to when uke saved seme from the burning church, seme confirms his suspicions 13 uke learns that all the money and gifts that were supposed to be given to seme were taken by his foster parents as well as his therapy and that he grew up alone, apologizes to seme that he failed him as a sponsor, seme smiles and is super happy after hearing that, has a wet dream abt uke 14 seme gets a hard on after uke fell on him 19 seme asks his advisors how to take care of a pregnant wife, learns that the father needs to be by his wife’s side to help, uke is thinking how he won’t be able to see seme for awhile (since he’s trying to hide his pregnancy) and already feels lonely and missing seme -Otto Saxon (uke, newly appointed pope-brother makes him take the position), Heindrich Carlos (seme, newly appointed emperor), Takmar (ukes brother, duke of saxon, red eyes, a relatively good guy, ppl r scared of him), Bishop Frank (ukes childhood friend and assistant priest, bowl cut), Schwaven Baron (brown hair, blue eyes, used to be a knight for ukes family)

Zero Hunting to Trap a Wolf

Complete | 掌阅 | 2019 released
2023-08-30 18:53 marked

40 1 uke catches a wounded seme and makes him his servant 4 uke tells seme hes the first slave he’s ever personally marked 5 they go through the master x servant contract (uke bites seme) 16 uke loses his mind (licking seme) cuz seme’s blood tastes so good and storms off bc he doesn’t understand why he would act so shamelessly 21 the same thing happens again 22 seme finds uke’s sleeping form attractive ?? guard is shocked that uke let seme interrupt him, notes that seme must have a special place in uke’s heart 32 uke sees seme’s wolf form for the first time-likes it -Enos/ Igor Azerel (uke, most terrifying vampire prince), Hastings Augustus (seme, werewolf servant, head of clan) Butler Lauris/Lewis(uke’s butler), Millet/Milo (uke’s baby brother), Blake (seme’s most trusted guard, turquoise hair), Eurika (spirited little orange haired wolf boy), John Nofele (bad guy, prince of the nofeles) Lyon Giovanni(blonde vampire that wants revenge when he has to give up the werewolves he caught bc uke forces him to, uke kills him), Carter (blue haired vampire, count of bruch, teamed up with lyon, killed by seme), Dora (red haired girl vampire teamed up with lyon initially but wanted out so lyon used the crown to kill her, from the tomovic clan)

On Doorstep

Complete | Chongtak | 2016 released
2023-09-21 15:53 marked

2 they KISS 3 they start going out, sleep together (not drawn out), uke finds out it was seme who broke into his house, gets pissed and leaves (cries at home) 5 seme cries and apologizes, confesses how much he loves him, uke grabs him and KISSES him 5.5 THEY do it Reese (uke, retired cop, now bookstore owner), Jimmy (pickpocket, made to work at seme’s bookstore after being caught stealing)

Where the Wind Stays

Complete | Yusa | 2000 released
2024-01-28 03:29 marked

Heart Racer

Complete | Neko | 2022 released

Another Lie

Ongoing | Son kim | 2022 released


Complete | Nocturne | 2022 released

2 seme follows the letter from 12 years ago and finds uke’s house, uke’s eyes widen when he learns whose at his doorsteps, immediately treats him like an important guest, seme jerks off to the thought of uke 3 seme has dirty thoughts about uke and thinks how if his feelings are revealed to uke he might lose him forever, seme asks uke why he’s going along with everything and kisses him to see his reaction, uke tells seme that seme has no idea just how much he’s waited for seme for all these 12 years and grabs and KISSES him, grabs seme’s hand to his face saying he can touch it, THEY DO IT 13 seme finds out uke had told his late parents to take a different road bc it was rainy, indirectly causing their deaths, wishes he knew that before he had fallen in love with uke, leaves uke, uke sends him off while being rained on and his hands tremble as he gives seme a gift he had wanted to give him as a child since he has a feeling he won’t get the chance to ever again 5 seme realizes it was the man who raised him that killed his parents. confronts him, his ‘dad/guardian’ burns their mansion down, uke saves seme from dying 6 seme wakes up and feels bad about leaving uke, uke says the door to him is always open and KISSES seme, THEY DO IT

Cry Me a River

Ongoing | Majjip | 2000 released