Kaiiaa's manga / #chaebol(58)


Complete | Chaepali, Gaet Saeng | 2019 released
2023-04-17 17:45 marked

98 https://newtoki297.com/webtoon/15777099/스와핑-BL-20화?stx=스와핑&toon=BL%2FGL&spage=1 (r15 version cuts out all the smut so you’ve got to go to the raws to see it) 1 seme sees video of sungji doing it w/ old sponsor, is disgusted, but sees uke come in and dress in lingerie to cover up for brother, smiles saying he’s now all worked up 3 seme comes up to uke trying on suits saying another type of suit would suit him better 3-11 somewhere here uke finds out seme has the vid of his brother and could leak it at anytime 11 seme calls uke to his office, uke is pissed saying he was about to have some ‘fun’ with a guy, seme leans in and puts his finger into ukes mouth imitating what uke was just doing with the guy, finds the hole where ukes tongue piercing used to be 12 seme says he was a little hot and bothered from the vid, asks uke if he wants to sleep with him- no strings attached, both say the other isn’t their type, seme tells uke he was the one who got him hired at their firm since everyone else was against it 16 seme reminds uke he knows everything about him since he’s the one who hired him 17 seme gifts uke a suit to wear for the firms party, seme notes he looks good in it 18 people note seme and uke r wearing matching outfits, seme says he likes it, jaeyoon embarrases uke saying he’s gay in front of everyone and teases him to do it with guys at the table, seme kisses uke (a good one) to shut jaeyoon up 19 seme gets his bodyguard to check on uke since uke seems to be having a hard time, flashback to when seme first noticed uke- when uke represented a client who sued seme’s bodyguard and uke completely crushed him at the trial, seme wanted to meet him after that but uke refused saying he doesn’t talk to thugs 20 uke passes out (super drunk) and comes onto seme giving him a bj and they do it (not drawn out even in raws), uke comes to and is pissed, seme fingers him to show his fingers covered in his cum (go to raws to see that scene), tells uke he’s as entertaining as he hoped and has wanted him to work at his firm for a really long time, uke gets annoyed and goes to give him a bj saying seme’s no better getting pleasured by a stuck up lawyer that had called him a thug, seme grabs him away saying he prefers him sober 21 they do it again (fully drawn out) for two days?, seme whispers that for all uke’s sleeping around he’s not even that good (bc he didn’t loosen him up), afterwards uke gets curious about seme and starts looking him up, the only thing uke can find out is seme’s never been with a man before (which explains why he didn’t even loosen him up) 23 seme buys uke’s home he listed for way more than its supposed to go for, uke meets jejun who wants to recruit him, seme punches jejun, says uke’s angry face makes him want to do him like a dog 27 seme visits to apologize for leaving uke out in the cold (uke gets sick), seme notices uke’s hand is hurt from him punching his brother, brings out an ice pack and places it onto his hand for him, uke gets a little flustered, seme gives uke a bj saying it’s his way of apologizing, uke cums, they do it- uke feels so good he cums again (28 raw) 28 doing it gets uke even sicker-lands himself in the hospital for a flu-seme buys uke a gift (shirt) as another apology, sits there and peels a pear (since apples apparently arent good for the flu) for him in the hospital and feeds it to him (kinda cute), asks uke what he thinks the future reason for them sleeping together again will be, uke tells seme he doesn’t like it that rough (no lube and loosening up), tells him he’s not just his boss-‘you think a boss would peel fruit and buy you gifts?’, says he likes that he would take a bullet for his brother 33 uke yells at seme all pissed, seme says he’s cute and kisses him, seme hints that he likes uke, requests payment for giving him the original copy of the video, uke offers his body as the payment, they do it-seme shoves ice cube in while doing it(35 in the raws). uke wakes up to seme cuddling him, gets frazzled and runs away thinking about them doing it and how he almost dropped his guard 36 actress comments that it’s the first time seeing anyone (uke) stand up to seme like that 37 seme gives uke a new watch after taking the one jaeyeon had given him (there was a tracker in it), leans on top of him ‘teaching him pool’, uke blushes, seme smacks uke’s ass 38 police arrest seme, seme asks uke if he’s ready to represent him as his lawyer, uke agrees, doesn’t understand why he’s so worried that he goes to the police station in the middle of the night-that there’s literally no need for him to be this worried 39 uke says he doesn’t care, seme laughs saying that’s what he likes about him, uke blushes and gets all flustered, uke tells the police he spent the night with seme so there’s no way he could be the killer 40 seme tells uke about his past, says he can’t fall asleep with strangers but had no problem falling asleep with him, uke gets seme a block of tofu when seme is released (tradition to give this to inmates leaving prison), seme ignores it, uke gets annoyed he isn’t able to properly congratulate seme on his release 41-2 uke says he just wants to live a normal life, seme tells him he shouldn’t have piqued his interest then and has no interest of letting him go 43 (45 raw) seme tests uke’s trust by taking him to see the guy they tortured for causing them trouble, uke passes since he didn’t betray him, seme goes to ‘comfort’ uke for making him witness that gruesome scene, smirks seeing uke is already hard (uke says it’s from exhaustion), makes him give him a bj, uke opens his legs telling seme to fuck him, seme tells him once he gets his revenge on samjo, he’ll buy uke everything he wants, uke is annoyed for using that as bait, grabs seme kissing him 44 (46) THEY do it in car-seme uses lube to loosen him up (actually listened from chp 28 that uke likes it better that way), uke’s face goes a little soft seeing that, rubs seme’s face, seme nuzzles his face in that hand, uke cums, seme goes even rougher on him and uke feels so good he squirts, gets super embarrassed when seme teases him saying he seemed to enjoyed himself, uke mentions him being uncomfortable about the guy they tortured, seme asks bodyguard to have the guy treated for his wounds to make uke more at ease, seme rubs uke’s face, uke blushes as he feels the spot seme just rubbed 45 seme buys uke a bunch of clothes, puts it on uke (tie matches seme’s suit) saying he’s being surprisingly docile (didn’t fight him one bit), jaeyoon comes in noting that seme must be satisfying him, uke agrees 46 seme tells uke he has to stay by his side from now on (safety reasons since he’s his lawyer now), people think they r a couple, seme kisses uke’s head to further cement the thought, uke blushes, seme tells him he’s satisfied sleeping with one person, uke thinks about how he can’t keep getting swayed by seme’s words but he definitely feels something for seme- that there’s interest there and that seme likes him too 47 uke asks seme to give him enough shares so that he can look down on core law, asks why seme likes him, seme tells him it’s because of the kind of person he saw during the trial w/ bodyguard, seme mentions that uke’s never dated anyone, uke retorts that it’s the same for seme, seme responds saying its why he’s trying with him, uke stops the car saying to tell him all about his past so he can make a valid judgement of whether seme will be a good love match for him or not, uke seriously considers seme as a potential lover-thinks about how seme’s the only one he’s ever been able to rely on and that he’s actually his ideal partner 49 seme says uke’s the only one he trusts and the only one he reacts to physically (getting turned on) 50 uke thinking how seme is the only one he can rely on for his safety, how he thought he’d never date and how he can’t even picture holding seme’s hand or going to the amusement park with him, 51 uke thinks about how he’s always been scared of dating but comes to terms with the fact that he does want to date seme 52 seme showers uke with more brand name gifts (since uke loves brand names), uke smiles seeing seme sulk that he didn’t like the gifts, grabs seme and kisses him, seme gets all handsy 53 seme tells uke he doesn’t need to give him an answer anymore about dating him, uke thinks seme just used his feelings to get his guard down and feels betrayed, seme laughs saying ukes reaction to believing his feelings were being used is all the confirmation he needs that uke is willing to date him-which is why uke doesn’t need to give him answer (not because he betrayed him), uke realizes he just gave seme what he wanted, seme puts coat over uke when he sees he’s cold saying ‘isn’t this what couples do?’54 seme tells uke he’s trying to hold himself back and learn how to treat him respectfully, kisses him, tells jaeyoon that they are dating now, kisses uke on the cheek, uke doesn’t retort or fight back about it (aka he’s onboard that they r dating)55 seme waits for uke to be released, uke sees him and blushes 56 seme releases uke’s brothers sex tape to protect uke and get him released from jail, uke is insanely pissed off yelling at seme and leaves saying they have no reason to see each other anymore, uke can’t believe he trusted seme and had felt sorry for him for being born with nothing (in trash/toilet), asks brother if he wants to go overseas with him with the 62 mill the chairman left him 57 seme refuses to let uke go, calling him threatening that he’s will give up his stakes and nullify the will he’s been trying so hard to get just so uke can’t get the 62 mill meant for his brother 59 seme sends uke to live in the mountains, uke wonders if seme plans to have him live here for 6 months so the will is no longer in effect and he can’t get a single penny, tries to escape at night, seme catches him, uke is so pissed he punches seme but dislocates his shoulder, howls in pain, seme gets scared, rushes him on piggyback to get help 60 uke comes to and finds himself in seme’s arms taking a bath, seme washes his hair for him, feels his hard on, seme doesn’t act on it 61 seme confronts uke saying he has no right feeling so betrayed when he’s done the same thing to him-giving him a copy of the shares (deed) rather than the original, uke yells at him saying he never had any intention of betraying him- shows how he did make a copy but still gave the original to seme, gets furious when he realizes seme never trusted him-that he got locked up in the mountains bc seme thought he might betray him and work with jaeyeon, seme grabs his injured shoulder and uke cuts seme face, starts crying after realizing he feels so angry bc he had truly trusted seme 62 uke wakes up the next morning, thinks abt how he’s called seme a thug but that he’s never actually acted like one- that it would be very easy for seme to forcefully take the money from uke but he has never tried to, seme sends doctor to treat uke’s shoulder, wakes up to find seme next to him telling him to rest bc the doctor told him he was very hurt, apologizes to uke and gives him a usb that has the original video files of his brother that uke’s always wanted and a video of so,some else witnessing the will rather than seme, goes to leave since he believes uke will not want to have anything to do with him anymore after seeing him at his lowest, uke doesn’t let him go (covers it up by throwing insults at seme), seme responds to the insults saying if he rlly meant it uke wouldnt be sitting there with only a shoulder injury, smiles that uke appears to still want him 64 uke gets pissed that seme wants uke to trust him but still doesn’t trust uke himself (doesnt give him company access even though seme gave him the usb that reveals all of his plans) 66 uke tests seme to see if he’d show up the moment he meets with jaeyoon (which seme does), they all bargain (read this chp to understand the deal and why they are fighting over uke’s 62 mill, im too lazy to write it out), uke meets seme alone in his office, sees that seme offered his brother a contract and got rid of all allegations that his brother was the guy in the sex video, seme says he seems to be the only one suffering losses but it makes sense since they say the one more emotionally invested has more to lose, tells uke that if he really takes up the deal with jaeyoon, he’ll fire him first the moment he takes over samjo, uke gets pissed that seme doesnt seem to really like him- that all his talk of having feelings for him are superficial, jabs him back saying he’s only ever slept with him because he’s promiscuous and desires physical pleasure, pisses seme off 67 seme calls uke out saying he’s only pretending to be this greedy and self serving bc he’s wounded uke’s pride, asks what he can do to make it up to him, uke thinks about how he’ll never tell him the reason (that he was hurt for having his feelings toyed with), they angry fuck like animals (no lube, immeediately thrusts in) (69 raw), seme holds uke saying dating him is such a pain 68 uke wakes up to seme spooning him, seme wraps his arms around him and cuddles him harder saying he still likes him even with uke messing around with the 62 mill bc it was his to begin with and he could do anything he wants with it- that he was just being selfish wanting uke to stay by his side and not sell out to jaeyoon bc he likes him so much, uke softens up thinking how he never wanted seme to leave him, tells seme that he has feelings for him too and he doesn’t hate him, seme hugs him tighter and they get together, brother tells him guy snooping in house and the witness in the will was chairman’s secretary, uke thinks something’s fishy, tells brother they are getting the money immediately and leaving, thinking that that will be the best 69 uke notes seme won’t believe him if he told seme he would always stand on his side even though it’s sincere 70 seme tells uke he’s the first man he’s ever been turned on by and uke says that means he’s his first love which seme doesn’t respond to 72 uke attends his welcome party for joining seme’s rival company, is led to the place where they hold orgies and made to partake if he wants to fit in with them, but he can’t go through with it bc all he can think about is how he’ll lose seme if he allows jaeyeon to go any further and actually put it in and can’t live with that fact so he hits jaeyoon on the head with bottle despite him being in a horrible state 73 seme takes him to the hospital, uke still not fully sober cries to seme asking him why he wasn’t there when he needed him even though he was tailing behind the whole time, seme hugs him close 74 uke tests seme’s feelings by saying he slept with all of them and rather than get jealous and angry, seme just they get into a fighting match after seme tells him to quit playing his stupid little game which hurts uke and they start getting into a fighting match, uke finally yells at him telling him how he couldn’t sleep with them bc he didn’t want seme throwing him away and thinks to himself how he never wanted this relationship to go any farther because he knew he would develop deep feelings which would bring him nothing but pain and seme would break his heart like he is right now and cries 75 seme caresses uke’s cheeks and says sorry 77 uke hears jaeyeon say he’s seme’s weakness and asks seme whether that’s true or not, seme grabs him and kisses him saying thats it’s true and he can’t stand being without him anymore, uke is filled with pleasure after hearing that, KISSES him back, they do it twice 84 uke ties a tie he bought for seme around seme’s neck 86 (87 raws) they do it 87 seme ties tie for uke, uke is all serious but has a blush, asks seme if the board politics would have been easier if he weren’t there, seme says probably but he wouldn’t have it any other way, uke grabs him and KISSES him 89 uke gets super worried seme is hurt and is relieved when seeing he isn’t 91 seme grabs uke and kisses him on the cheek as he leaves, uke blushes thinking how soft seme’s lips were 93 uke asks why yijong made him relay a message to seme instead of coming directly to him, seme says it’s bc he knows uke keeps ‘this tiger (seme) defanged’, uke admits to himself it actually is his fault seme’s become so soft bc of his sliver of a conscience, uke thinks about how seme is making him learn things about himself he wasn’t even aware of, seme comes onto him, THEY do it (95 but it’s rlly short not a full drawn out scene), seme appears on tv, an old grandpa notes how handsome he is, uke silently agrees with him 95 uke is kidnapped and stabbed, seme comes to save him, they hug, uke cries in his arms 96 seme treats uke’s stab wound, uke panics thinking he’s dying and that he should talk to seme more before he dies, seme is too focused treating uke that the kidnappers creep up on him and stab him 4 times, seme tells uke that if he dies everything is ukes, uke panics, they r saved by ambulance and police 97 seme is still unconscious, uke keeps having the dream where seme dies which makes him wake up crying and incessantly asks about seme’s condition, uke breaks out of his hospital room to go see seme, hears seme’s condition worsened overnight, panics, seme wakes up, uke cries hugging seme thinking how glad he is that seme is alive 98 uke cuts fruit for seme and asks if there’s anything else seme needs, seme cuddles uke asking him why he’s so well behaved right now, uke says it’s bc he wants seme to hurry up and get better so he can ravish him at home, they kiss, uke packs up to move into seme’s place thinking how he can’t believe he’s actually voluntarily doing this, THEY kiss and lovingly embrace each other, uke smiling thinking about how he had wanted to save seme even if it cost him his life and seme was more concerned about him than his own death -soheon jeong=uke, rlly good lawyer, hired by seme -ho seo= seme, boss of white entertainment company, nephew of chairman woo (samjo group) aka cousin of jaeyeon -sungji=ukes little brother that always gets in trouble, loves uke a lot -jaeyeon woo= semes ‘rival’, got a thing for uke, son of deceased old man (chairman woo) sungji was sleeping with -jangwoo= semes bodyguard who hates uke -jitaek woo= old dude who died while doing it with uke’s little brother -chairman kim = semes grandfather -sanghwan cha=actor that their company signed who keeps causing trouble for uke to fix -core law=law firm that fired uke for hooking up with his boss (jejun oh) who had tenure and also threw uke under the bus so he wouldn’t be fired -samjo group= uke rival company that jaeyeon is trying to lead after dads death

Mr. 100% Perfect

Complete | Hoben | 2000 released

59 cleaning service + rich seme 10-11, 13, 16, 21, 26 2 uke sees that seme still kept the stuffed animal he won at an arcade game that he gave seme even after 6 months from the breakup 3 seme’s perspective of how he fell for uke and why 10 they get back together after breakup- seme goes to uke’s house and asks if he can have one more chance and uke agrees 13 they say they love each other 16 first time doing it in seme’s place md uke staying over for the night 2nd cp: 43, 53, star around chp 14 15 seme sees uke losing all his money after he’s scammed by guy he partnered with for cleaning company and saves him from jumping off building 18-9 more backstory from uke’s perspective 29 seme tells uke he sees that he’s trying his best even when no one can tell 32 uke fights with the police telling them seme didn’t have the drugs in the car, invites seme over to his place, seme daydreams kissing uke 33 seme kisses uke and uke secretly blushes 35 seme tells uke he likes him, uke blushes 42 uke grabs seme into a kiss sukyun: seme, wooin: uke, yunseol: second seme and seme’s step brother

Obedient Heritage

Complete | totiko | 2019 released
2023-01-16 20:15 marked


At the End of the Road

Complete | Haribo | 2016 released
2023-02-16 06:15 marked

36 3- first time they meet when uke helped seme (childhood) 18- flashback to seme seeing uke die in his original body 25-seme kisses uke

Manhattan Romance

Ongoing | Chilbam, Pyoryu | 2019 released

30 24 they kiss, uke likes it, telling seme he always likes it when he’s with seme, they begin foreplay , uke cums for the first time 1 uke first time meeting seme and thinks he’s like an angel and smells nice 2 uke wants to see seme one last time before he checks out of hotel room since he inspires uke to draw again 3 seme watches uke eat cake and gets hard after seeing him lick the cream from his mouth 4 seme gets hard once again seeing uke enjoy another piece of cake and doesn’t understand his reaction, thinks about how uke’s looks are just his type but he’d never go for someone so naive, but turns car around to go gift uke more sweets he got and can’t wait to see the look on ukes face 5 uke dreams about kissing seme (forgets he does) 6 seme rubs the cream off uke’s face and takes care of him after he collapses from peanut allergy he didn’t know he had, uke gets super flustered, seme thinks about how uke is making him do out of character things and how he doesn’t want to leave the hotel even though his plan was to go 7 tatum asks why seme is so curious to learn more about uke since they already screened him and seme doesn’t know either, tatum also notes seme is in a pretty good mood 8 seme seductively ties uke’s apron back, uke’s heart goes into overdrive 9 bella finds it really suspicious that seme wants to go back so quickly and asks if it’s because of uke, which seme says maybe + uke waits for seme, wants to call him but doesn’t know how, and tells himself he shouldn’t get his hopes up 10 uke is able to draw again and thinks about how it’s all thanks to seme 11 seme finds out how ukes uncle is using him and feels annoyed by it- something he notes he usually never would feel 12 seme rubs crumbs off uke again, thinks about how enticing his skin is, uke playfully bites his finger which drives him crazy, seme jerks off to the thought of uke while on the phone with him 13 seme takes uke to an art gallery, uke gets emotional from seeing a painting and cries, seme kisses uke’s eyes as ‘comfort’ 14 seme tells uke he’s seen thousands of paintings and can tell ukes paintings have something special about them, bella calls seme out for acting so smitten and treating uke so differently from anyone else, uke wants to share what he likes with seme (aka cake) 15 seme is coming back from chicago and uke wishes he can see seme and wonders what he’s doing, seme comes back and personally feeds uke and wipes cream off face thinking how he wishes he could do more (physically) 16 seme thinks about why he’s so attracted to uke 18 uke gets horribly beaten by his uncle where he can’t even move and worries about not being able to pick up if seme calls, uke misses seme and cries thinking about how they might never see each other again and how seme was the most beautiful person he’s ever seen, seme is worried and gets a helicopter back to new york even though he’s got a ton of work 19 seme saves uke and takes care of him 20 seme shows him the new york skyline, says he’ll always be there to protect him so he shouldn’t feel scared, holds uke to prevent him from falling, uke gets super flustered, seme tells uke he’ll be his sponsor for his art since he likes his art, uke is happy and accepts 21 uke tells seme he feels like he’s in heaven right now, seme leaves saying he wont be back for awhile, uke hopes seme can come back soon from his work since he misses him 22 uke wears seme’s clothes cuz they smell like him and it makes him feel like he’s with him (kinda like nesting) 25 they sleep zzz together for the first time and uke doesn’t feel lonely anymore, seme thinks uke is so adorable when he eats and gives him kisses on his cheek, uke wonders if he’s allowed to be this happy 26 seme won’t focus on his work and just stares at uke through the security cameras, goes to buy back paintings cuz he wants uke to not be exploited and live a carefree life luwan (brown hair w/ blue eyes) =seme whose the chaebol (military stuff/yacht/boats) hyeon (pen name 77) = uke bella= girl whose seme’s friend and assistant tatum (brown hair, grey eyes): seme’s other friend and assistant (in mexico tracking down sandy) armuca= super tan assistant/friend sandy= other housekeeper guy who stole semes rubix cube and ran away to mexico that they are tracking in hopes he’ll lead him to his boss caleb (super sleep deprived)= ukes douche art teacher xx= ukes uncle whose on the run after beating uke so horribly, really sus- might be smuggling drugs or human trafficking

Don't Be Soft Rice Man

Ongoing | 碉堡rghh,百川社 | 2019 released
2023-07-13 20:04 marked

45 1-45 first story 3 they enter sugar daddy relationship since uke can’t get any benefits this time around so he plans on having seme break it off a month later, uke kisses seme and starts feeling the feels 5 they do it (barely drawn out), uke goads seme to say he’ll leave relationship, uke then gets angry saying he won’t allow it 6 uke finds seme a translating job per semes request 8 uke takes seme to his house three years earlier than past life was supposed to 9 uke kisses seme, asks him to spend the night and they do it, seme gets attacked by student and uke beats the dude up 10 seme asks what will happen if his face is disfigured, uke kisses him on the cheek saying he won’t mind and all that matters is he’s ok, this makes seme blush and feel warm inside + uke introduces seme to best friend as “part of the family” 11 uke tells seme he won’t allow him to marry if it’s not with him 12 uke mistakes semes sister as the girl he’s cheating on with, uke gets jealous but when seme proposes they break up, uke doesn’t agree 14 though they aren’t talking to one another (seme’s didn’t bother clearing up the cheating misunderstanding since he thinks it’s better to not be associated with one another) uke piggybacked seme all the way to the infirmary when he passed out 15 uke finds out he misunderstood, also pays back semes debt and apologizes 18 uke gets semes sister a job like seme asked, seme wishes him a happy new year, uke gets frazzled 20 uke calls seme a wolf and seme wonders if uke reincarnated with him as well 21 uke drives all the way to semes hometown and they do it in the car + see the first snowfall together 22 seme realizes how soft uke actually is + months later fast forward,locks office door so they can do it 23 they do it in ukes office (most drawn out so far), seme thinks about how much better this version that’s soft uke is compared to past gloomy uke 24 seme bites uke to leave a mark so he remembers him forever 26 uke asks seme if it’s difficult being in a relationship with him since he has a bad temper and unlikable personality, is happy and hugs semi when he’s says he’s not with him because of his money 28 uke buys seme a cake for his bday but doesn’t get to show it cuz seme made plans with sister so he sadly eats it by himself in the dark (seme comes back early and sees) 29 seme wishes that he’ll still get to meet uke in his next life and be his sugar daddy instead 34-5 uke asks seme to the movies, they go and uke thinks that dying with seme isn’t too bad 37 uke lists off everything seme likes, they make out, but get hit by car and kidnapped at the very end 39 uke says that if they make it out alive they’re going to make their relationship public whether seme likes it or not and seme agrees (uke might not believe him) but uke sacrifices himself to save seme 40 seme runs back and panics thinking ukes dying from a gunshot wound and promises to give him all his money if he stays alive (uke was oranking him and is fine) 41 they tell their siblings they are in a relationship with one another and both refuse to break up bc they like each other-seme says uke changed him 43 they do it 45 system leaves bc seme has carved out a different path from his previous life and finishes this story huo mingchen = uke chaebol, lu qi= seme mc, fang qi= ukes best friend, yuanguang= ukes second uncle that’s sus, mingcheng= ukes older brother, ziyan = girl seme helped do her push-up punishment, lu yuan= semes little sister, secretary li= mingcheng’s long haired secretary, chen liandong=sus uncle’s secretary- has goatee, yue ke=company good, fu hai=company bad, mr zhang= driver blackmailed into trying to kill older brother, Gold digger travels back in time and can't mooch of his sugar daddy anymore (so instead they just fall in luv) ~~~~ new story:

Ijiwaru na Tsukai no Netsu ni Oborete

Complete | sakuraba yurin | 2000 released
2023-05-31 22:54 marked

4 3 uke thinks that the sex feels good, that they are rlly compatible sexually-with the smell of seme alone being able to get him into heat, uke unexpectedly goes into heat when he’s outside and an alpha starts chasing him down-he calls seme for help which seme does, they passionately do it-with seme nearly marking him bc he wants uke so badly and thinking about how no other omegas pheromones have driven him so crazy before, uke overhears convo and finds out why he was bought (to produce an alpha heir)-runs away 4- uke wonders if he’ll be thrown away but seme takes him to see the sunset by the sea, seme tells him he can breathe easy when he’s with him, uke kisses him, they go to a love motel and do it, uke wants seme to impregnate him just like semes plan when usually he wouldn’t allow an alpha to do whatever he wishes, the morning after-uke says he doesn’t regret it and wonders if he’s going to be a mama now reiji= seme akito=uke saitou kunimitsu=semes secretary asahina group= semes family’s business yousuke=seme’s older brother kaede= yousuke’s mate

Night Maze

Ongoing | Pando | 2000 released
2023-06-24 05:11 marked


Kill the Lights

Complete | Mink, Jangryang | 2000 released
2023-07-08 08:04 marked

58 8, 13 flashback to uke’s old self saving a younger seme from being murdered by kidnapper 10 seme feels horrible after hearing uke’s (old self) might be dead, goes to his (old self) home to confirm, thinks abt how there might not be anyone who would protect him if uke really is dead 12 uke holds seme whose having a panic attack from being trapped in elevator 14 uke is shocked to see seme crying (since he thought uke’s old self is dead), tells seme he doesn’t think mason is dead, seme immediately smiles 16 uke wet dreams seme 22 uke ‘saves’ seme (seme probs could have handled it himself) from a bunch of thugs 23 seme telling driver how he remembers every second he spent with mason (old uke) 26 seme goes to movie premiere party uke is at (as investor of movie) even though he never comes to them for the other movies he’s invested in the past, 27 uke sees ashley pulling out gun towards seme, thinks about how hard he used to work to protect seme and rushes in to save seme 28 flashback to seme going to movie premier party-seme wonders what in the world he’s doing and that he can’t understand his own actions-why he wants to see haley look at him the way old uke (mason) used to, scoffs at himself for acting like he’s in love 29 seme mistakes uke saving him as haley being horny and wanting to sleep with him-gets in a very bad mood thinking he got his hypothesis that haley is actually uke wrong, uke offers up deal for seme to stay in room for 10 mins and he’ll tell him about mason, seme hates how he can’t even refuse that trashy offer, angrily gives uke what he thinks he wants-teases him, takes off shirt, strokes his private parts and nipples, bites his neck 30 foreplay-fingering etc 31 seme originally was going to stop after teasing uke a little but likes uke’s embarrassed reaction so much and sees mason so much that he keeps going-kisses uke, jerks him off etc 32 they do it (barely-get interrupted by a phone call), seme gets call from assistant that masons most likely dead but uke just told him masons still alive but that he’ll never fInd him- seme goes back to his original hypothesis that he got isekaied 34 uke wet dreams about seme again- rationalizing to himself that it’s bc seme is really smooth and good at kissing 35 seme’s assistant notes that seme is in a really good mood, acts all lovey dovey with uke in front of the press asking him out on a yacht date 37 they play cards on yacht where uke gets yacht if he wins and seme gets something he wants if he wins (uke was the one who taught him back then-flashback to mason and little seme playing cards where they establish folding a corner of the card means they want to win and the other needs to go easier on them), seme folds the corner of his card, uke sees it and lets him win thinking that he can’t maintain a yacht anyway and seme wanted to win really badly, seme sees this and tells him he’s always wanted something he couldn’t have- something so precious he couldn’t take it by force 39 seme picks uke up in a helicopter, tells him to move in with him to avoid paparazzi, asks him to call his direct line rather than the assistants 40 seme whispers to uke that he knows he’s not haley, uke vehemently denies it, flashback scenes of uke and seme (uke comforting seme having a nightmare, uke’s last day as seme’s bodyguard) 41 seme telling uke his parents want to meet him since they want to see the guy seme’s seeing (they aren’t officially though), uke thinking how he’s so worried for seme that he doesn’t even care about his own peace of mind 42 flashback to uke having a third wet dream about seme doing him 43 uke sees seme crying in his sleep saying ‘don’t go’, uke strokes his head, seme wakes up and kisses him, undresses and teases him (fingers, jerks him off etc) calls him ‘mason’ and to spread his legs 44 tries putting it in but uke tells him to stop and refuses to admit he’s mason, seme lets him go saying he can’t stop him since he’s never been anything special to uke, starts crying thinking his minds at his limit and hugs uke saying he can leave him but to never say mason is gone (even if he has to lie) because it’ll be too much- acts like this cuz he drank too much 45 uke wonders if seme has harbored special feelings for him ever since saving him from kidnappers, pictures kissing seme when filming his kissing scene, can’t believe he does that 46 flashbacks of uke (mason) leaving seme, seme regrets his actions from drinking and believes uke will leave him and hopes for a friendly rejection 47 seme goes to meet up with ashley and aaron, uke runs to protect him, they pull guns on seme, kidnap him so uke jumps into the car to be kidnapped alongside seme 48 seme gets shot in the arm and starts falling unconscious, uke holds him thinking he looks so pitiful like before- a delicate life that might die if he lets go 49 uke reveals info that only mason can know to negotiate with kidnappers-they let seme go 50 uke thinks he should try to get out alive since seme would be sad if he didn’t, regrets not telling seme he’s mason since he might die, hears gunshot outside and thinks it’s seme, starts crying thinking seme might be dying outside all alone in the cold and tries to rush out -gets shot in the leg 51 seme kills both of them as revenge for killing mason since mason was the one he worshipped, stays by uke’s bedside crying for uke to wake up, uke dreams flashback of him saving seme from suitcase and finally admits why he always goes so far for seme, wakes up, smiles/nuzzles seme’s hand responding to him calling him mason 52 uke has another wet dream of seme doing him-this time actually cumming, still not satisfied so jerks off, seme walks in on him 53 seme jerks off on top of uke, calls uke mason which uke responds (doesn’t try to cover up his identity anymore), asks uke if he wants more and uke nods 54 they do it, uke hugs seme and they kiss 55 they keep doing it, uke tells seme he likes it even though he actually thinks it’s too rough bc he likes seme, they kiss while doing it holding hands noah raycarlton= seme haley rusk -nickname reese (mason taylor-old self)=uke, old self saved seme from a kidnapping and ended up being hired as his bodyguard chase and melissa= other actors w/ uke-guy loves him, and girl hates him vic proctor= director aaron and ashley=the two that were with uke when he died- aaron killed him and forced ashley to go with him phil hapson= semes assistant joy= cousin who asks for uke’s money, tries to blackmail him with photos after he refuses tony= ukes manager gloria= ukes stylist

He Guanyu & Xu Xingchen

Ongoing | 蔡蔬菜 | 2022 released

10 -xu xingchen= seme, freshman -he guanyu= uke, chaebol