Kaiiaa's manga / #Showbiz(38)

Knock Me Out

Complete | Boris | 2019 released
2024-04-07 23:32 marked

Debt of Love

Ongoing | 沙迦大桃儿 | 2022 released

23 2 flashback to when they first meet when seme is still a child, seme Is already blushing, uke asks him to perform his music for him and seme immediately does, seme’s Mom wonders what is going on because usually if somebody asks him to perform he would never do it, uke reminisces how seme has always been his favorite treasure with flashback photos of them playing together and hanging out 3 semes parents take all of ukes money for their gambling debt and run away, they stab him with a wine bottle and he ends up in the hospital in critical condition, seme finds out and cries by his hospital bed saying that he’ll pay back everything 4 back to present day, uke is still pissed off and takes his anger out on seme saying that he’s gonna have to pay back all of their debt, semes willing to do anything, uke makes it sound like he has to sleep with an important client to prove he’s being honest (but wasn’t actually going to make him do it), seme KISSES uke saying that he doesn’t want to have his first kiss be the client, uke pushes him away 8 seme learns uke is into guys 9 seme sees that uke’s room doesn’t have traces of another person and is relieved thinking he wouldn’t be able to stand it if there was 10 uke buys seme dinner pretending he ‘buys extra for himself’, seme is sad uke won’t meet his eyes asking why he hates him, uke says he doesn’t hate him, flashback to when uke is still hospitalized and finds out seme dropped out to pay his hospital bills and is getting a job (recruiter for job is a kidnapper), uke panics and screams to the nurse to bring seme back, ultimately saving him and makes him promise to go back to school 11 seme tries to confess but uke won’t let him b/c he knows he won’t be able to handle it 12 uke sees seme posing with other actor as a ‘couple’ (seme only agreed to do so b/c the other actor had promised he wouldn’t hit on uke if seme did it) and tells their manager he forbids them from actually getting into one, manager laughs saying he truly cares abt seme since he would have allowed it if it were any other rookie, uke responds saying it’s so he can repay him 13 the other actor gets casted for a new drama and cries to seme thanking him for helping him, hugs seme, seme pats him back, uke sees (didn’t hear the conversation), drops his napkin, walks away 13 the casting director is a perv and keeps touching uke, makes him drink during their company dinner as punishment since uke keeps dodging his advances, seme offers to drink in his place, the casting director says that’s not good enough and says to seme instead, he should make out with the other actor, uke takes the shot saying he’ll drink, seme grabs uke and shoves the casting director away since uke can’t drink bc his liver was basically removed after the accident with semes parents 14 seme hugs uke saying he’ll protect him regardless of anything, when he’s held in semes arms uke notes he feels some unknown emotion other than fear, seme starts unbuttoning uke’s shirt saying he wants to see his scar, uke gets flushed and tries to push away but ultimately lets him,they get interrupted 15 seme knows he should stop his advances but he can’t bc he can’t stop loving uke 16 seme notes it would be a dream come true to win the best actor film award, uke says he has no time to pursue these dreams, seme says it’s fine since he can pursue it in another life since this one is dedicated to uke, uke doesn’t get why seme is like this considering how mean he is to him and that he’s clearly using him for revenge on his parents, wonder maybe it’s cuz he’s been single for too long that he can’t resist semes advances, sees how many followers seme recently received and doesn’t understand why he feels uneasy rather than happy 17 uke is mean to seme, seme takes it, uke cries after, secretary liu tells seme that uke is actually secretly looking out for him 18 uke tries to arrange a date for himself to get over being swayed by seme but can’t go through with it, uke finds a film he used to watch with seme as a child, smiles saying he can finally watch it since seme said he wanted to 19 seme gets a bunch of gifts for his acting, uke notes he won’t be able to monopolize seme anymore (which was a reason why he told seme that he needed to repay his parents debt bc he thought that might be the only way to keep seme by his side) 21 semes face gets a little hurt, uke gets worried 22 uke sees seme’s bare chest, face turns red and gets quite frazzled, can’t sleep bc he’s racked with guilt from feeling something for seme when he should be the uncle 23 uke sees seme having a nightmare where he’s crying about his mother, uke feels super guilty that he shouldn’t be taking his anger out on seme whose done nothing wrong and taking away his freedom but uke’s also scared seme will leave him if he doesn’t and he wouldn’t know what to do if seme leaves, that he could never imagine losing seme, seme wakes up and begs uke to never leave him like his parents, hugs uke

Run Away, Assistant Manager Ha!

Complete | LattePanda | 2000 released

47 1 seme asks if uke wants to hook up with him, uke can’t say no thinking ‘where would I meet such a beautiful man again’, THEY do it (its uke’s first time), uke doesn’t want to let go of seme bc his embrace is so comforting 2 they meet again after the hookup as seme’s half sister is the ceo of ukes company and made seme lay low and work for the company as their model for 6 months bc he’s been too scandalous and rowdy 3 seme refuses to cooperate and uke tries to convince him, seme asks to be sex partners since he’s taken a liking to him for the 6 months he’s here, uke ends up agreeing 4 THEY do it (seme’s place or some rlly fancy hotel room) 5 seme thinks how even though uke is super clumsy their bodies are insanely compatible 8 THEY do it in the car, uke says it feels so good 9 uke is being bullied by his manager, seme sticks up for him and takes care of him after, later thinks that uke’s got him worried and that he’s never worked so hard for any of his previous sex partners before 10 uke notes he would normally feel all over the place but he instead feels safe and calm when seme is there 11 seme is texting uke smiling and his stylist is disgusted wondering what’s up with his idiotic expression wondering if he has a lover, they eat together and uke is pleasantly surprised that their conversation flowed effortlessly the entire time since he thought it would be awkward but it was actually a lovely time 12 THEY do it and it’s super sweet (they kiss), uke WONDERS if its normal to fall so easily for someone, cries and hugs seme thinking how for seme he’s probably just a momentary diversion 13 seme is in disbelief at how good uke looks after hair, makeup and styling for fashion week, uke sees how much seme shines walking down the runway and is embarrassed that he thought seme’s light could possibly be his when he’s clearly from a different world and glad they have a 6 month time limit so he can control his heart 14 aiden’s model friend sees uke’s hickeys and laughs saying no wonder seme has been doing things he doesn’t normally do, uke is saddened when he learns these models were all seme’s sex partners and runs away before he reveals his heart to seme, they sorta have a little fight and seme tells uke to undress since they r sex partners, uke obeys but he starts crying doing so, seme feels bad and leaves uke sobbing alone 16 seme hears uke got into an accident, goes to visit the er immediately, is stopped by his manager saying he needs to finish the photo shoot and manager asks what their relationship is since seme’s been doing a lot of things he normally wouldnt do like take on additional photo shoots, seme says he doesn’t know cuz he’s all confused, seme thinks about how much he enjoyed the time they spent together and wants to apologize to uke and to tell him he was terrified for him and he’s still worried and that he missed him but ends up telling uke he wants to end the contract instead 17 seme is determined to tell uke how he feels once ukes discharged 18 seme picks uke up and his stylist laughs at how seme got a haircut purposefully for this, princess carries uke to his apartment, notices uke has seme’s modeling pics by his bed stand and blushes 19 seme brings a blanket for uke so he doesn’t get cold 20 seme apologizes to uke and CONFESSES telling him he wants to be in a REAL relationship with him, blushes super hard 21 uke CONFESSES saying he couldn’t help thinking they were in a relationship and got jealous of semes old sex partners but that he’s worried he’s not good enough for seme, seme rejects that thought and asks uke to be his boyfriend, uke agrees and they GET TOGETHER 22-23 THEY do it, seme says he likes uke so so much 25 uke runs out of work once he’s done and waits for seme incredibly excited, all lovey dovey outside and semes stylist sees saying how he’s never seen seme engage in so much pda before 26 uke gives seme flowers telling him word for word ‘i like you’ since he never told him directly how he feels 27 seme’s half sister says she doesn’t know if there’s anyone on earth who’s really capable of taming seme, next scene is seme and uke making out implying uke is the one 28 ukes flashback thinking abt the night before where THEY do it in the motel room uke had gotten them for after the date they went on that he had also planned, uke gets horny and pounces on seme at night 29 THEY do it, uke notes that seme’s place has become a space that warms his heart, uke smiles feeding seme a strawberry 30 uke notes how it feels easier to breathe after dating seme, asks seme’s stylist how to make a relationship last since he wants to be with seme for as long as possible, notes he turned down seme’s offer to move in together (seme’s never even had a roommate before) 33 they miss each other since uke has to work overtime and can’t meet, seme goes to uke’s place, uke cries in his arms bc he’s been so tired and happy to see him 34 seme comforts uke 36 uke resigns, thinks how he wants to buy a ring for seme with his severance pay 37 seme’s half sister notes uke is not the type seme usually goes for, uke gets kidnapped but deals with the kidnapper himself, wonders what would have happened if the kidnapper had went for seme instead, he thinks that he wants to protect seme forever and to shout to everyone that he’s his, he tells seme that they should move in together 38 uke moves in with seme, THEY do it, uke notes seme feels like he’s removed all his restraints 39 they wake up together all cuddled up, DO IT 41 side stories, 7 years later, seme is wearing a couple ring from uke 42 seme comes from work, uke hugs him welcoming him back home 45 THEY do it, seme thinks how he used to be so selfish and now he’s fallen head over heels for someone, thinks abt how uke is someone he can’t help but love

Stand by me, Darling!

Ongoing | Geummokseo | 2000 released

11 1 (more further, present day) uke notes everytime he sees that face seme makes he gets weak in the knees, always sweeping him off his feet which is why he can never say no to him 2 (more flashback) they meet for the first time (after uke gets isekaied to 2 years before his sisters fatal accident) 3 uke reminds seme of someone he liked a lot during his childhood that he vowed never to trust again, uke ends up grabbing seme’s attention, seme finds him interesting so he appoints him as his manager, uke is fine with it even though seme is extremely hard to manage bc he gets to stare at his face all day since he’s easily swayed by good looks and to prevent the future accident that would kill his sister, wonders what it would feel like to do it with seme, uke is good at his job, seme takes his side and finds him even more interesting 4 uke’s sister notes seme never takes his managers side but he did with uke and also appointed him manager on uke’s first day meaning seme definitely likes him, uke is swayed by that and is excited to see seme, happily buys a magazine filled with seme’s photos 4 seme’s coworker notes seme can’t stop looking at uke even when he’s on camera, uke doesn’t understand why he’s daydreaming about seme even when he’s super rude to him 5 uke accidentally falls asleep and creates a problem and is prepared to be fired but seme lets him off with a simple talking to, seme wonders why he’s so concerned and worried abt uke when any other time he would have just fired the manager, feels bad when he learns uke might not be getting enough sleep, agrees to the drivers suggestion that they all get drinks, driver is surprised since he normally always declines 6 uke falls asleep but wakes up as seme is princess carrying him to his place, uke notes he should stop seme but doesn’t bc he wants to spend more time in his arms, seme strokes uke’s ‘sleeping’ face thinking it’s the first time he’s ever been so concerned about a rookie in the industry and notes out loud that he usually despises nice guys like him so what’s so special about uke (uke hears that and blushes) 7 seme apologizes to him for being too harsh and strokes his face, uke is happy, seme thinks uke is adorable which surprises him that he would have such a thought 8 uke smiles texting his sister, seme sees from afar and gets a little jealous that he’s never smiled at him like that and grows silent when he learns it was a girl and misunderstands thinking uke has a girlfriend (uke doesn’t tell him it was his sister bc he doesn’t want the two connected since they were in the accident together) 9 uke daydreams making out with seme and getting felt up 10 seme indirectly says that uke is all he can think about now but feels betrayed bc he apparently is taken already by his girlfriend 11 uke gets drunk, hugs seme, rubs his head on his chest, seme’s ears go red

Siren's Song

Complete | Clarju | 2000 released
2024-06-04 21:44 marked

37 1 seme moves back to korea, they make eye contact on each others’ balcony, uke blushes and runs into his apartment, seme hears uke’s singing and gets a hard on 4 seme tells uke he can’t get his singing out of his head, KISSES him 5 uke gets a hard on and seme helps him relieve it 6 seme notes that he always acts only when hes 100% certain abt something and it was the first time he’s ever acted on feeling and impulse alone, gets another hard on thinking abt uke 8 uke thinks abt how everything he’s done with seme has been his first time doing it in general (eating across from someone, smoking together, talking abt his singing, kissing etc etc) which is why he keeps getting swept away by seme 8 seme tells uke he’s interested in him 9 they KISS, uke gets hard, asks seme if it’s normal to get hard from kissing, seme reassures him by showing him his hard on, jerks them off together 10 seme cooks breakfast for uke even though he doesn’t eat breakfast himself 11 uke’s obsessive ‘brother’ chokes uke asking him who gave him his hickey and why that person was allowed to leave a mark when he isn’t even allowed to touch him, despite this uke goes to find seme again asking if they can do what they did last night since that seems to allow him to fall asleep 12 seme agrees but warns uke that its a one time thing bc he would rather uke tell him what’s bothering him instead, they FEEL each other up, uke asks why it feels so good, seme says he knows something that’ll make him feel better (sex) and starts fingering him as prep, uke says he doesn’t hate it 13 uke wakes up to seme holding him, notes seme is handsome even when he’s asleep 14 uke gets scared he’s going to hurt seme, distances himself, seme comforts him and tells him to stay by his side, uke feels better and responds saying he wants to kiss 15 they KISS plus MORE 17 seme takes uke out to eat and buys him new shoes after seeing the bad condition of his old ones, uke asks abt the woman he saw with seme (seme’s sister) and seme smiles that uke is showing jealousy 18 MAKEOUT in car, seme asks uke if they can have sex, uke agrees, they r interrupted by uke’s obsessive ‘brother’, seme protects uke from him 20 THEY DO IT 22 seme introduces uke as his lover to his brother 23 uke smiles telling seme he thinks he’s very kind and warm hearted 24 uke’s obsessive ‘brother’ returns home unplanned, calls seme an asshole, uke tells him to stop calling him that and refuses to agree to stop visiting seme 25 seme rushes back worried that something bad will happen to uke, questions how uke has the power to make him lose his cool every single time, uke KISSES seme and they makeout 26 THEY DO IT, seme asks if he likes it, uke says yes, afterwards uke falls asleep on seme’s chest saying he likes to hear his heartbeat, seme notes he’s never let someone listen to his heartbeat and that he didn’t have to take it so far with uke, hugs him tighter 27 uke wakes up the next morning to seme kissing his forehead and cuddling him, uke laughs and hugs him back, seme wants uke to move in with him but he doesn’t push it bc he doesn’t want to force uke into it like uke’s obsessive ‘brother’ already does, uke smiles and waves goodbye to seme 28 seme calls uke and asks him if they r lovers or not, uke SAYS YES, smiles and hugs his phone close to his chest after they hang up and he sees seme texted him that he misses him and will come over soon 30 uke’s obsessive ‘brother’ tells uke that seme is with him for ulterior motives, uke thinks abt all the lies seme had told him in the beginning and asks seme if he used him, seme says yes and is surprised when uke says it’s fine bc he was happy with seme and he STILL LIKES HIM, seme kisses him saying he already gave up the idea of using him as a card to be played and confesses saying HE CANT LIVE WITHOUT HIM ANYMORE bc he LIKES HIM THAT MUCH, uke cries 31 they lie together naked, seme promises he’ll get all of ukes music that his obsessive ‘brother’ took from him back, uke cries saying he’s so happy, that he trusts everything seme says and that he likes him, kisses seme and goes down on him voluntarily, seme stops him bc he doesn’t want him hurting his mouth and throat since uke loves to sing, they do it, uke hugs seme and says he wants to be with SEME FOREVER, seme smiles and agrees side 3 uke keeps trying to suck seme off, seme doesn’t want to hurt uke so keeps stopping him, uke kisses him saying to stop holding back side 4 uke is finally able to GIVE seme a bj, laughs after saying he knew it wouldn’t hurt him, seme smiles kissing him saying he drives him crazy, uke smiles and tells him that he’ll happily do anything as long as it’s with him and that he’s really happy nowadays, sings seme a lullaby bc he wants to, seme loves it and hugs uke saying his winters have him in it (both of them used to hate winters) 32 they do it 33 uke tells his obsessive ‘brother’ that he won’t leave seme bc he likes him and has feelings for him 35 they do it in the music studio seme gives to uke, uke says it feels good when asked, seme tells uke he likes him more and more everyday and uke says it’s the same for him too, they both smile 37 seme calls uke his boyfriend to uke’s obsessive ‘brother’ saying his feelings are sincere and he’s not simply using uke


Ongoing | 해피비 | 2022 released


Ongoing | Yangma | 2000 released

7 3 seme tells uke that he can’t sleep without listening to his one song and he wants him to record a new one for him 6 seme tells uke he’s the first person he’s allowed in his house since the day he was shot at and almost died as a kid 7 they DO IT (uke’s first time bottoming), uke wonders if he’s always been this sensitive

Bad Kid Good Partner

Ongoing | Millmill | 2019 released