Blood Sacrifice
Loving this one .... although it looks like it's been dropped :(( It's released by peanutoon, which is all Korean and I can't find it anywhere else .... fingers crossed, it will be picked up or released on a different platform!
Blood Link
A long one at 135+ chapters but cover 2 generation + some history and next generation w/babies! I enjoyed it because it's was like a multi-generational novel! Story of a vampire and (hidden) lycan who meet in college and fall in love only to discover that they met many moons ago. They have a somewhat unconventional & forced pregnancy to start the next generation. Although it was one series, the length could've been 2.
Crush and Burn
Totally interesting vampire saga w/a new mythology intertwined; man of the night and person of the moon destined to safe humanity in fictional Aman. Thoroughly enjoying it; art style unique and beautiful and story is engaging... resumed after a hiatus. So far, still good .... more revelations about the prophecy and Isabel.
Sweet Man
OMG ... I loved this one immediately the art style is stunning, the dialog was clever, and the story didn't drag on forever simply for the sake of it. I did get quite confused in some parts because I thought the dialog/explanations were too vague and esoteric! But I loved the love story completely. Would've loved the intimate scenes to be 18+ (they were 16+'ish!!) Lots of implied intimacy but not explicit artwork, which was a shame b/c the art style lent itself perfectly to it. Will most likely buy the complete 110+ episodes on Tappytoons.
K's secret