The Beast Must Die
I plowed through this one! Wasn't sure about the "joining club initiation" was seggs but once the ML2 warned him what was about to happen, I liked the idea that one person could break through the psychopath's wall. Sad about gang rape of sister ... quelle surprise though that woman was once again the victim- NOT. Didn't like the several references about being/crying like a woman to debase women- that was a weak argument.
For My Weirdo
I started this one officially but ended it up here b/c I couldn't stand the deep & depraved ML. Once again ... onto the child, the sins of the father theme prevailed and it was soooo depressing and I couldn't see an end in sight! I finished it here to see how it would end. I'm glad that the ending was hopefully and bright but man what a slugfest! I probably wouldn't have paid for this, it was just SO dark for so many episodes.
Slow burn to the end but worth it. Didn't love the ease with which non-consentual acts were repeatedly performed but did love the climax when the hidden back story unfolded. The 2 MLs were well thought out and despite their differences, ended up in an adult relationship. I respected both characters who stayed true to themselves.
Roses and Champagne
I totally love this one. Wasn't a fan of the shooting and then forcing his lover when he thought he was leaving him but overall a great story paced really well!
K's secret
Loved this one. Wasn't a huge fan of the questionable consent at the beginning, but the funny parts were great. The tone becomes much more serious in the middle and end when his life is at stake but I loved the unflinching love 2ML had for Mr. Kim. Plowed thru this one and wish I could buy it b/c middle chpts were a mess !
Body Complex
I came to this one through a sexed up version and preferred this one - possessive lover to true love scenario. Piano prodigy discovered on street by middle aged piano professor who then shows his true colors of possessiveness and psychopathy! Abandoned son who is also piano genius shows up and falls for prodigy and they begin tumultuous but ultimately happy stable love relationship.
May Belongs to Me
At first I hesitated b/c of the kidnapping and collar but Wow, with the telling and heart warming back story, this was a super fun and seggsy read!
Five years apart
A compilation of 3 stories. Interesting but sort've odd because they were all typically opposites at the beginning of each story.
Waterside Night