Body Complex
I came to this one through a sexed up version and preferred this one - possessive lover to true love scenario. Piano prodigy discovered on street by middle aged piano professor who then shows his true colors of possessiveness and psychopathy! Abandoned son who is also piano genius shows up and falls for prodigy and they begin tumultuous but ultimately happy stable love relationship.
Farming for Love
Enjoyed the straight forward not too much angst story of pharmacist who takes a break from burnout in Seoul to countryside meets young strapping farmer on day one because his car ends up in a ditch.
Five years apart
A compilation of 3 stories. Interesting but sort've odd because they were all typically opposites at the beginning of each story.
Lover Boy
I really like the B&W'ness of this one. And the simplicity of the art - there's no distractions from the main character focus in each slide. The story is simple yet compelling. I look forward to seeing what will happen next ...
How Sweet is a Sugar Daddy
Bought this on Lehzin and loved it! At first I wasn't convinced b/c of the art work, but it grew on me and by the end, I wanted more! Great love story about plastic surgeon and student who start a relationship with a huge misunderstanding hanging over them. I'm not always a fond of misunderstanding, but this one worked surprisingly! Great ending after a dramatic break-up in 2nd to last episode.
Call Boy!
Quick first time for 30 old virgin who calls an escort service and mistakenly gets a guy.
Yikes! This one ended in a twist i didn't like because the older ML is essentially a shite and gets what he wants despite the ML's mother dying and the 3rd wheel lover going to jail for her murder.
Please Love Me (upi)