Sabsama Shitsukeno Jikandesu
Frenzy Train
Update: I LOVE EVERY PAGE. I don't know what's really going on, but Sovie! o I am rooting for you and Liam /o/ and maybe the new guy..., ooo<3 the plot is so... i'm not actually convinced i know what the plot is, yet XD but i cannot deny i am having SO much fun watching the uke get g*angbanged, and i so enjoy the semes just being feral fkbois pretty, hot, so much fun <3
My Brother's Lover
hmmm there's something off about both MCs.. im enthralled <3
Don't Take Your Eyes Off Me
Ok! I'm all IN! give me the drama, give me the feels, yes, thank you uploader, translator, cleaner and all!
Forced Strategy 100%
the bird took my heart from my chest but im reallllllly interested in finding out what's going on w the seme and this new vision. the uke is in for something and im readyyyy
i love these dark stories so much <3
Boku o Warui Ko ni Shite