Fukumen Danshi
No Reason
L: This is one fuck up master peice this dude just killed everyone... and just left him I mean just straight up honey trapped him...Update YES YES YES I HOPE HE RISES UP AND DOSE BETTER AND BEATES THE SHIT OUT OF BLOND DUDE....update.... NO NO NO FUCK SHIT PUSSY ASS BALLZ COCKSUCKER NO!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHH J: WHY WAS THIS ON MY LIST?! This is just rape not a masterpiece, it's also boring. L: the story line is slow and and just sad some chapters were really just unneeded but the plot really make you rout for the mc itll I love the aspect of how the story is really good at getting your hopes up and just dragging your right back down itll probably end in some sort of Stockholm syndrome thing but I'm hopeing for the best
Dead man Switch
Zombies but I'm also feeling a little groundhog dayish but it's cute
Caste Heaven