Wolf Guy
I profoundly dislike this Wolf person. I'm trying to come up with a civil commentary but I only wish to see that fucking smug smile that he breaks out in the most unbelievably fucking inappropriate moments to fall of his goddamn fucking head. IS THAT A BLOOD TEAR?!?? Fuck you. And on the """"""""plot""""""": if I want to be reminded of the abhorrent things humanity is capable of, I'd watch the news. Or a twilight movie.
Did this asshole just fuck his mother??!? What the HELL??? Also, why is boichi's art always so goddamn inconsistent? He shows a realistic, full of pain old guy in one panel and a teletubbie with boobs on the next one. The pace and time skips are a headache to follow. Seriously a 40 page manga shouldn't be this hard to read. It's pretentious and dated. What's with the 4+ pages of medical nonsense anyway?!?! Trying to explain a made-up disease with made-up technology is beyond stupid, it's better to just let it be. This is probably the manga trope I hate the most: the sickness makes people randomly faint but still keeps them from an ugly decay. This manga adds insult to injury by "explaining" the disease AND it's cure or whatever. Cheap try for drama. I'm not falling for your bullshit, man.
Sojou No Koi Wa Nido Haneru
I'm speechless. I wish I could say this took the best/worst possible turn, but there was no turn. They're both the same pair of morons they were when everything started. I hate seeing myself in this mess of story. I was hoping one of them died. Or both.
Yorokobi wa Ude no Naka
Why is everybody a little bitch in this story?
Baka de Guzu wa Daikirai
Grow a pair, all of you.
Kimi No Kao Ni Sasu Kage
everyone in this manga needs to shut the fuck up and do their homework