The Rogue Prince Is Secretly an Omega
This was sad. Mc1 is manipulated by his him into taking suppressants that are poisoning and killing him and forcing/brainwashing him to not reveal that he’s an omega. I love love love mc2. He’s cold and shameless with anyone other than mc1 which is freaking hilarious. Mc1 keeps on saying harsh things to mc1 bc he believes they should distance themselves. Mc2 is so head over heels for mc1 it’s absolutely adorable. I think the dad *maybe* cares about mc1 after he heard mc2 tell him to really look at his son. Dad tried to get mc1 to tell him about the stuff his mother did but mc1 didn’t want to have to rely on him to survive instead of relying on his mother like he is now. Chapter 25 ended on a cliffhanger and I knew that but I read it anyway cuz I really wanted to read a royalty story. Mc1 passed out in front of mc2 which means next chapter is gonna be *good*. Pretty sure this updates on Monday’s. Read: Thursday, November 2nd, 2023 - Friday, November 3rd, 2023.
The Hunter's one night
The Alpha's Circumstances
Everyone hating on them for cheating but rape gets a green pass in BL’s? Honestly I want to read this but there’s only 20 chapters so I’ll wait for more. Added: Wednesday, October 11th, 2023. Read: Sunday, November 19th, 2023. Honestly didn’t mind the cheating aspect despite feeling bad for mc1’s boyfriend. The top is mc1 but I’m not complaining cuz mc2 (bottom) is older and more mature. Really looking forward to 1. Mc1 and mc2 getting together and 2. Mc1 finding out mc2 is his boyfriend (ex-boyfriend as of chapter 26 I think??)’s dad/mom. Really liking this omegaverse. Plot is interesting too. First cheating story I’ve read and it’s not really toxic or anything. Glad I waited until now to read cuz if I was reading weekly and had to deal with chapter 24 (or 25)’s cliffhanger, I would’ve been screaming. Enjoyed this. Want more.
Cherry Complex
Read later. Added: Tuesday, May 16th, 2023. Edit: Read on Thursday, May 16th, 2024 - Friday, May 17th, 2024. Season two advanced both the main couple and the side couple at the same time. Felt like there wasn't enough screentime for them. Second couple is fucked up but I read it anyway. Ik s3 is only going to be the second couple which is why I marked it as already read instead of reading. Story would've been past five stars if it had only focused on the main couple and then had some epilogues. Fuck that second main couple omg. Hate how authors do that. That's not what people are reading the story for. We're reading it for the plot that was described in the description. Oh well. Smut was hot though s2 had too much smut cuz of both characters. Mc1 was very stupid and dumb and he irked me sometimes. No faults for mc2 loved everything about him.
Dog's Love Way
Translations are iffy but still legible, though some parts were kinda difficult to understand. Mc1 and mc2 got together kinda out of convenience at first (I think?) cuz they could satisfy each other's sexual needs. Kinda childhood friends but not really cuz they knew each other in high school. Mc3 is mc1's coworker and he's in love with mc1. Thought he'd be an obstacle but he fr loved mc1 enough to just want him to be happy even though it wasn't with him. Mc4 was the obstacle and POS I hate him so much. Mc4 knew mc2 from high school as well. Happened to appear at mc1's company (where mc2 was working at the time). Walked in on mc1 and mc2 sleeping together and decided to fuck up their relationship and tried to ruin mc1's life. Gave mc2 rut inducers to force him to go out of his mind so he could sleep with mc2. Mc3 showed up, stopped it from happening, then accused mc2 of not being able to keep it in his pants. Threatened mc2 to stay away from mc1 unless mc2 wanted mc1 to find out he slept with mc4. Never followed through though so whatever. Mc4 also stole the photo mc1 took of mc2 in college (which I assume mc4 still has). Mc4 tried to get mc3 to join him in his plan to split up mc1 and mc2. Mc3 refused. Mc4 then decided it would be okay to steal mc1's project proposal and turn it in as his own. Plan was foiled so he got kicked out and fired. Mc4 then confronted mc1 and played victim, blaming mc1 for everything. Mc1 and mc2 made up, and readers find out that apparently mc2 had a foggy memory so he thinks his rut just came out of the blue instead of being drugged. Never got justice for that cuz he genuinely doesn't even remember he was drugged even though he knew he was at the time he got stabbed with the rut inducer. Mc2 ends up going back to his company now that the project proposal was finished and the day after mc1 calls him crying saying he misses him and needed to see his face cuz his voice wasn't enough, mc2 miraculously comes back to mc1's company. Mc1 kisses him in front of everyone so they become an office couple. Wish we could've seen it tho. The extra chapter was so short and was very unfulfilling. If an official version ever comes out, definitely reread this. Read: Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024.
The best luck of my life
Wait for more chapters. Only 7 are out as of Wednesday, July 19th, 2023. Edit: mc2 was fr psycho in the beginning. Threatened to jump off a construction site if mc1 didn't love him and then was very overbearing and affectionate. Was really cute seeing mc1 slowly accept mc2 and then realize his feelings for mc2. Have a feeling they went to the same middle school. Want so bad for mc1's friends to find out he's dating mc2. Mc2 was scary and weird and psycho and gloomy in the beginning but once mc1 started accepting him he became a complete puppy and was really adorable. Honestly thought mc1 would be the same based on looks/faces(?) alone so sometimes I get thrown off. Enjoyed this nonetheless. Pretty sure mc1's friend who appeared in ch32 (first chapter of season 2) has feelings for mc1 so nooo. Looking forward to seeing what happens next. Read: Tuesday, July 9th, 2024 - Wednesday, July 10th, 2024.
Be, Be
Have to sleep but want to read. Added: Saturday, May 4th, 2024. Edit: This was sooo good. Abo with royalty in modern times?!?! This was amazing!! Can't believe I never read this before. Mc2 could act cold or distant or absurdly forward at times but tbh they're so cute together. Mc2's brother is really hot but he's somewhat of a jerk. Mc2 is cute but also attractive and I loveee when his eyes turn golden. Mc1 has a realistic personality. Mc1's friend was so rude though. Mc1 rejected a woman by saying he was already seeing someone and the friend butted in calling him an insensitive liar just bc he has a crush on that woman. Very rude and uncalled for. I like that the woman immediately backed off once she noticed the bodyguards and realized mc1 is seeing the crown prince. She was never really rude either. Yeah she had a crush but she was nice about it and understandable too. Usually I have trouble liking female characters but I do like her. Read: Friday, July 12th, 2024.
Fxxking My Ex's New Lover
Added: Saturday, September 14th, 2024.
Wait for more chapters. Thursday, December 29th, 2022. Read on Sunday, September 15th, 2024. First 10 or so chapters were fucked up and I was confused at first but as it went on I fell in love with this story. Mc2 is attractive and an asshole-ish green flag. Mc1 is kinda like a puppy but he’s really cute about it and not embarrassing either so I like him. Was very weird how they both brushed off mc1’s confession and mc2 saying he didn’t like mc1 after that (separate times). Mc2’s granny is really funny. Love how satisfied mc2 was when feeding mc1 steamed carrots bc he thought he was providing for him lmao. This makes me want a Sterek fic like this with predator/wolf!Derek and prey/bunny!Stiles. I remember reading a bunny!Stiles fic before though I’d have to REALLY search for it on AO3 to find it. I’m actually gonna do that now.
My Bias Appeared?!