Waiting for more chapters!!!! There’s only 2 out as of Wednesday, August 9th, 2023. Edit: I couldn’t hold myself back from reading it even though there’s only 2 chapters. I’ll have to add a rating when more come out. Mc2 is an SSS-class esper but also apparently a wanted criminal?? Seems really damn interesting so far. Really want more!
Until Morning Light
This is actually really good. Always love guideverse’s and this was no different. Enemies-to-lovers. Kidnapping and crazy seme, but he seems devoted to mc1 and it was revealed that mc1 would be better off with mc2 than going back home. Only 15 chapters and I’m not sure if it’s shounen ai or yaoi, hence both tags. Looking forward to reading more!! Read: Saturday, October 14th, 2023.
Visible Ray
Read?? Added: Tuesday, May 7th, 2024.
Senza Replica
Mc2 has a personality change after getting amnesia. Makes me want to find the story with the toxic mc2 who loses his memories and becomes a sweetheart to his husband (mc1). Got a plot twist in chapter 15. Mc2 heard mc1's voice in the field which stopped him from going into a building his comrades were in. It inevitably saved his life cuz that building blew up. Weird af. Looking forward to seeing how that is explained. Read: Thursday, September 12th, 2024.
Open The Door
Wait for more chapters. Added: Friday, October 25th, 2024.
Guiding the eccentric tyrant
Mc2 is a king/emperor and mc1 is a lowest-class guide. Guideverse with L-class mc2 (legendary class) and F-class mc1. Doubt mc1 is actually F-class. I wonder who the orange-haired guy is to mc1 considering he’s supposed to be dead. Gonna check out the original manhua but it’s badly written/translated so I might not get far. Read: Saturday, January 4th, 2025.
Guiding Hazard