Honey? Beast!
Read later tonight please. Have to shower and get ready to go out to eat. Added: Friday, March 22nd, 2024. Read later that same day. Loved how quickly the misunderstandings were cleared up (there were a lot and most of them are funny). Stopped at season 2. Didn’t read it because it’s a diff couple. This was really good.
From Hate to Fate
Read?? Added: Wednesday, March 27th, 2024.
Angel Kiss
Waiting for more chapters. Added: Thursday, May 16th, 2024.
Let Me Suck It
Wait for it to be complete. Will be complete when there’s 14 chapters. Added: Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024.
Unsound Relationship
Read?? Edit: read on Thursday, January 16th, 2025. This was actually really good. Seme’s personality is weird though. Kinda like him, kinda don’t. Mc1 is funny but kinda annoying at times. It makes them feel fleshed out with their own personalities and flaws. Thank god mc2 was just joking when he said he’d eat his own child *sobs in relief*. I would’ve seriously hated him if he wasn’t joking cuz wtf. Season 2 started recently so I’m glad I don’t have to wait a long time. Mc2 is a great demon (probably one of the top 10 demons) meanwhile mc1 is a half-demon (lower on the totem pole than lowest demons). Mc2 is a tease but not outrightly so. It’s really funny. Looking forward to their relationship progressing and mc2 eventually realizing he has feelings for him. Rn he only thinks mc1 is cute and fun to tease. Only 30 chapters are out so far.
Metropolitan Nepenthes
Seems like it's in seme's POV. At least it's complete. Added: Thursday, May 23rd, 2024.
Extraordinary Evolution