Love in the Underworld
Mc2 is the prince of hell. Mc1 is a college student with a music major. They’re both so cute together and there was a lot of fluff. Like 10 chapters of fluff. Loved the rivalry between the ex and mc2. Wish the ex got his just desserts but I’ll have to check back later to see if season two started. Really enjoyed this even though I’ve read it before. Read: Thursday, January 12th, 2023.
Big Apple
Dragon mc2 (later in the story towards the end). Both of them work for the same organization but neither of them know it until they catch each other in the act. I didn’t really understand their relationship considering mc1 kept trying to break up with mc2. Mc2 was iffy to me because like he literally locked mc1 in handcuffs and kept him in his house. Also, idk why but I felt like this had too much smut. Pretty early on I ended up just scrolling casually through the smut without feeling anything except wanting to get through it. Those two reasons are why it’s a 4 star instead of a five star. The art was beautiful though. Read: Thursday, January 12th, 2023.
I'm Yours, Blood and Soul
Vampire uke x demon seme. Story didn’t start off that great but I pushed through cuz I knew the ending was good. Glad I pushed through. Enjoyed this story. Wasn’t amazing but it was really good. Read: Saturday, January 14th, 2023.
The Spooky Love Tale of Gongchan Seol
I’m probably not gonna get any sleep tonight because of this story but that’s okay it was a good story. Apparently the reason they can see the ghosts are because they affirm their feelings for each other? The psychiatrist called it a collective hallucination. The ghosts were creepy but not enough I needed to scroll immediately. Except the ghost meme in the flashback. Fuck that one. Can’t blame mc2 for tripping and falling on his ass when he saw it. This was such a good story. Ending seemed kinda rushed or incomplete but still ending on the smut tease was cheating. Poor Tae-in though. He liked mc2 in high school and mc1 during the story. Then he found out they were now dating (mc1 and mc2 didn’t know each other back in high school). Tae-in didn’t realize he liked mc2 until he found out they were together. He said it felt like he just got rejected twice which ouchhh. Really good story. Read: Sunday, January 15th, 2023.
Dawn of the Dragon
Wait for more chapters. Only 9 are out so far as of Thursday, January 19th, 2023. Edit: I read this from Saturday, July 1st, 2023 - Sunday, July 2nd, 2023. S1 ended Chapter 32 and on a cliffhanger where mc1 is seriously injured in the middle of nowhere and mc2 is in a deep sleep as he relives the memories of back then. There were a lot of ups and downs but holy shit the smut was always hot as hell. Mc1 was more attractive but mc2 could be really cute too. Beefy uke and even beefier seme. Mc2 is a dragon and mc1 is a fraud who lies to mc2 saying he was his lover in the past. Well, he thinks he’s a fraud, but obv he just doesn’t remember it. The dragon is king of a tsundere which was adorable. There’s no telling when it’ll update again bc the season just ended but I hope it’ll come back soon!!
Soitogete, Ryuujin-san
Uncle is a pervert and disgusting. Mc1 and mc2 were adorable together. Wish we got to see more of mc2 in human form. Also wish we got a smut scene with him in human form but no dice. At least it’s a good story so I didn’t mind. Read: Sunday, January 29th, 2023.
Your Dream Is Delicious