Pheromone Baby
Read when complete. Added: Wednesday, May 15th, 2024.
Dog's Love Way
Translations are iffy but still legible, though some parts were kinda difficult to understand. Mc1 and mc2 got together kinda out of convenience at first (I think?) cuz they could satisfy each other's sexual needs. Kinda childhood friends but not really cuz they knew each other in high school. Mc3 is mc1's coworker and he's in love with mc1. Thought he'd be an obstacle but he fr loved mc1 enough to just want him to be happy even though it wasn't with him. Mc4 was the obstacle and POS I hate him so much. Mc4 knew mc2 from high school as well. Happened to appear at mc1's company (where mc2 was working at the time). Walked in on mc1 and mc2 sleeping together and decided to fuck up their relationship and tried to ruin mc1's life. Gave mc2 rut inducers to force him to go out of his mind so he could sleep with mc2. Mc3 showed up, stopped it from happening, then accused mc2 of not being able to keep it in his pants. Threatened mc2 to stay away from mc1 unless mc2 wanted mc1 to find out he slept with mc4. Never followed through though so whatever. Mc4 also stole the photo mc1 took of mc2 in college (which I assume mc4 still has). Mc4 tried to get mc3 to join him in his plan to split up mc1 and mc2. Mc3 refused. Mc4 then decided it would be okay to steal mc1's project proposal and turn it in as his own. Plan was foiled so he got kicked out and fired. Mc4 then confronted mc1 and played victim, blaming mc1 for everything. Mc1 and mc2 made up, and readers find out that apparently mc2 had a foggy memory so he thinks his rut just came out of the blue instead of being drugged. Never got justice for that cuz he genuinely doesn't even remember he was drugged even though he knew he was at the time he got stabbed with the rut inducer. Mc2 ends up going back to his company now that the project proposal was finished and the day after mc1 calls him crying saying he misses him and needed to see his face cuz his voice wasn't enough, mc2 miraculously comes back to mc1's company. Mc1 kisses him in front of everyone so they become an office couple. Wish we could've seen it tho. The extra chapter was so short and was very unfulfilling. If an official version ever comes out, definitely reread this. Read: Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024.
Fate Mate
Wait for more chapters. Added: Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024.
Cozy Obsession
No chapters yet. Added: Monday, May 20th, 2024.
Gentle Forest
This updates frequently thank God. Honestly forgot it was omegaverse and mpreg cuz I don't think they know what they are in this story. Mpreg was mentioned but the omegaverse hasn't yet. Mc1 thought something was wrong with him when his ass started leaking. Neither of them realize the scent from each other are pheromones. Mc2 is a college football quarterback and he looks like the stereotypical hot quarterback but I fucking love it. Just bc it's a stereotype doesn't mean it's common to find. They spent the first 30 chapters together (a span of two weeks) and then there's a two month time skip and now we can see the symptoms of mpreg but ofc neither of them know it. Mc1 is being kinda annoying by hiding it all from mc2 (who is now back in New York where he lives while mc1 is in Korea). Mc2 is so cute and wants to do everything he can for mc1 it's seriously adorable. Can't wait for more!!! Read: Friday, July 12th, 2024.
Unfinished Business
Read up to (not including) chapter 12. Very fucked up. Don't know if I'll ever continue it. Added: Thursday, July 18th, 2024.
Be, Be