Love Is An Illusion
Sex Toy Try-Outs
I genuinely could not stand this story, you can tell both the writer and the artist have never felt the touch of a women except their mothers. The anatomy Is so bad I wanted to gouge my eyes out, get in the bin please. I got so bored while reading these stories oh my god this is just awful
Your wish is my command
An interesting topic, don’t really like the main couple and was kind of hoping Chiwoo got with Jin but you know, waiting for next chapters :) Also Hwan is a rapist ew Edit: LEGIT GOING TO CHOKE THE WRITER, what the actual fuck ?! Why would you let them have another chance, motherfucking rapist Hwan is not good for Chiwoo legit go fuck your self, I can’t fathom the absolute hate for the normalization and fetishization of rape in these fucking manwhas, good lord.
Love or Hate(Yeongha)
Genuinely what the fuck, what the actual fuck. The person who made this is sick in the head, I hate this story so much. People who enjoyed this, thought that the ending was perfect and the author make me sick who genuinely thinks that incest is hot you sick fucks. Jowoon getting a “redemption arc” is disgusting he was an awful person and never ever should have been redeemed or been with Haesoo. This story makes so sick, even if they aren’t blood related it’s still sick and disgusting they grew up at brothers and got caught while they were brothers, I don’t give a shit if their parents didn’t remarry so they had “free range” it’s disturbing and the author is basically putting out there that you can date your siblings if it’s “true love.” Sick fuck probably thinks that pedophillia and all that other nasty shit is alright as well, go jump in a meat grinder seriously.
From Points of Three