I Stole the Number One Ranker’s Soul
27/12/24- 31/12/24 13: “Tell your boss next time I’ll come for them 19: haha not 1st ranker calling MC “ma’am” after she says she hates curt and rude people and the way he blushes while saying that️ so cute 34: Did girlie give the other horn out of kindness? No, bro just didn’t want to eat 2 horns 37: Not the 2nd ranker randomly saying “and your worm fish can breath” after the pretty 3rd ranker said that he should get some fish for the office since they don’t breath. 2nd rankers reason for saying that? : “It’s been bothering me the whole time ” 38: Son Moa: “The failed potions are only A-grade instead of S-grade ” Jihan: “WHAT!? Even A-grade potions are seen as a treasure, I’ve only ever had 4, so S-grade potions are unheard of! Your gathering skill has spoilt you! Life is unfair” 43: Not Moa revealing Jihan’s soul stone to the the 2nd & 3rd ranker on Jihan’s request and the 2nd ranker cries and wants to turn him into an item so they can together forever, and Moa gets into a fight with him cause Moa was like “Jihan was it on your bucket list to become a sword or shield?” and Jihan was like “No!” 46: Priest: “Dear king, I have a question, What’s your relationship with that spirit?” Moa:“YOU CAN SEE JIHAN!!” Priest: “I can’t see him, but as I used to be a priest, I can feel its presence. There is a spirt next to you who cares very much about you” Jihan: “That was an unnecessary comment, old man” 47: Moa: “Well, she did try to kill me, but that’s just between us girls” Our MC does NOT break a promise! When pinky girl said it’s a secret between us girls Moa took that seriously 56: Bro REALLY does NOT want to eat more horns she was like “maybe these ant monsters use vermin as an address In a friendly way?” So she says it to the next ant she sees and let’s just say bro is likely gonna have to eat more horn 59: Not Moa being like “I saw the ant take the shape of you. Ig it could only change into someone in its range of vision” Jihan says while blushing and covering his face: “Actually… Moa, that skill… shows someone that makes sense to be there, and among those people… The person you like most appears…”. They both saw each-other and both of them are blushing horrendously 65: Jihan is such so dramatic and quick to change like when Moa said “some people might get the wrong idea” since they live together and he starts to act like he’s being abandoned 67: I was spiralling trynna remember which boss monster deaths Moa was present at bc she said they had 3 “failed negotiations” but I could only remember 2. So anyways the boss death she wasn’t present at was Demon king Silagais, who was the first boss to die. Moa’s order of boss deaths/meetings was: Bug king Kergis (the thunder one, where Jihan died), Bug king Bargis (the bee, where she got the ability to become a bug of her choosing- often a flea bc she could sneak in dungeons easily, where Moa met Eundam) , Human King Elphanis (her first successful negotiation, where they learnt the real purpose of the system), Bug King Jirgis (the last bug king/weakest boss in Korea, 1st failed negotiation, where she told Jihan she saw the bug take his shape in the hallucination attack), Dragon king Georgis, Beast king Enogis (the boss I forgot about and lead me to spiral), Beast king Pergis, The titan king Naphgis (the last and maybe strongest mysterious boss in Korea, last boss before the final hall) 69: Lolll not Moa literally upgrading her skill to L1 (the level above SSS) and destroying a whole mountain, and Seojin is like “Hey Moa? Are you taking any more subjects?” and the former human king and and beast deer king are like “You’re truly amazing” and “may our friendship last forever, my king ”. All are awestruck 87: Eundum: “Now then, sorry to say, but what’s upcoming isn’t appropriate for all ages. So we’ll save the rest of the explanation until after we save the world , all right?” OMG MOA JUST BEAT PRESIDENT KIM NOW!! 92: imagine being called a dumbass by a fish boss bc you chose to stay and fight instead of evacuating well Moa doesn’t have to imagine 99: Son Moa: “My property, my land, my people, my earth, don’t you dare lay a hand on them” GOSH a happy ending was reached ️ The story was good though the fighting scenes are subpar but that’s to be expected. The story is a simple and happy one and I’m happy I read it️️ The main characters focused on are Jihan and Moa and I’m SOOO happy they ended up together and that Jihan is safe. Also glad that Seohun , Seojin, Eundum, annd everyone else are happy! The story is good if you wanted decent length, light-hearted and not heavy read!! Tho the story isn’t too great at character-building or world building but that’s fineeeee as if you want a simple read this is perfect!! Plus a story is always different depending on if it’s a female or male MC and lol I’m just glad I’m seeing an overpowered Moa!️ and the fact Moa and Jihan are probs the most powerful people on earth but Moa is the stronger!! Love to see a strong ML and stronger FL!!!️️ good last read to end the year with me being happy
I Raised My Fiancé with Money