The Worst Guy in the Universe
Comedy smut manga where the characters are super adorable and slowly fall in love after a billion sex scenes. Art is absolutely amazing and in full color. Very cute read.
Lessons for Your Pet Human
Size difference. Gods keep humans as pets. Noncon.
Shishi no Odoriko
Bro is a dancer that is now a prostitution against his will but then bought by one of his old fans. They grow to love each other. A lot of dub con smut.
In the Belly of the Ogre
An oni comes to take this boy’s family relic back to the demon realm but somehow the teen absorbs it and protects it in his body. They fall in love bc the oni loves humans but then like one day the human gets attacked and the oni has to “fuck the corruption out” of him. Very cute but the age gap is 16 to like 900
Random 19yo kid gets turned into a vampire and the vamp Equivalent of social services introduces him to the vampire life. They start as fuck buddies but fall in love. Meet a lot of interesting characters along the way. Just finished volume three waiting on volume for.
By Chance? Huh!
Dub-con. Rabbit saves Walt when he loses his parents and Is obsessed. Of course they duck on the full moon and find and baby wolf to raise and meet bunny parents. They marry. Very fluffy and funny. Smut thru and thru
He is a servant For a god. It is his whole purpose. The god falls in love with him. Very fluffy And sweet and sweet. Very good art
The Bride of God