Heaven & Hell Roman Company
Got to Ch 7. Good, just, so long? And there's that person who's trying to force the relationship. Not a fan.
This Time I Will Definitely Be Happy
I guess I'm just confused. Are Louisa's past reincarnations different people? If they are the same person, which makes sense in the "i can remember my past memories" thing, that means that she's just been having and losing different lovers for 7 reincarnations? Like. The guys def seem like dif people, but when the climax happened all of the past incarnations were shown with their respective hero boyfriends, and then the priestess/saintess/etc said that they all went to heaven or w/e. But Jun (og soul)'s soul, which was inside of Louisa, couldn't go back to her real world until Louisa died? Is it becasue they're actually different people? But at the end they were the same person???? I guess I'm just so confused. And isn't it fucked up, since Louisa is being reincarnated, but the hero boyfriends aren't, that they all just have to fall in love with the Jun/Louisa incarnate? Like, what the fuck is free will? I don't hate this, I am intrigued by it, and the ending is satisfying, but it's still kinda weird. (After Ch 26.5)
The Emperor's Companion
After Ch 22 People in the comments either thing its not worth reading because it's so boring, or its only worth reading once, that it's cute and short (ish= 100 chapters), but idk
Playtime with Hakdo