You Own My All
This is just adorable and a super cute story with amazing characters but the lack of good English is confusing manhuahot.scans truly suck but i was able to ignore the errors if you dyslexic don't read BUT STILL SUPER ADORABLE
They're such cuties I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE MOOORE OF THIS~(^з^)-☆
My Young Master Ji Wushuang
This story is a headache, i've seen this type of plot before but in this one everything is handled so bad by the mc, there's no difference between him and the person he's been transmigrated into. The mc infuriates me despite me normally liking these kind of mc's, it seems that he has trauma but the author doesn't make it poissible for me to feel bad for him, there's just a certain way to carry out these scenes...
The Crescent Scholar
Cuties!!! I love this gem
Sister, I Am the Queen in This Life
I've come to love drama and this is the one!
Palace of Bardo
This is amazing! It felt unreal when it ended only problem i have is how the semester still mistreats his son like he doesn't deserve it
Bro i read this a long time ago and i just can't stop coming back!!!