King of Ice, Slave of Fire
HOLYY fuck that was scrumptious!! The plot. The characters. EVEN THE ARTSYLE !! fuckinn GORGEOUS. GIMMEEE MORE CHAPTERSSS
The True Nature Of The Impotent Incubus
Kurenai Kitsune no Hatsukoi Zoushi
The Strange Tale of the Life Draining Specter
WHHAAAAAA THEYRE SO CUTEEEE!! They are made for each other, really!! Toshiro, a tengu yokai and his half-yokai boyfriend that miraculously got his yokai powers awakened, Nagi!!! Awww such a wholesome story :D
I hoped to witnessing a rut in smut panels but meh didn't get to savor shit at all!! BWHAHAHA but it's alright, it's not that big of a deal. Actually... I didn't just hope for a rut scene but I also craved for seeing them having sex while in their semi-beast form. You know.. when they have their tails and ears out during smexy scenes??? Aww Mann, nothing at all!!
Mirror, Mirror Ang♡